
punchcard / News: Recent posts

Punchcardweb v2.1.0 RC1 Released

This version was developed to make punchcard more out-of-the-box ready.
It is packaged as a deployable software application.
Once deployed, it is ready to be used.
Setups and configurations are done using the user-interface.

This version is a lot more robust,
This version increases time to market speed by about 85%

Some of the new features:
* Better, slicker and nicer user-interface.
- Supports draggable windows for page layout customization.
* Includes an admin deck (Punchcard Admin): this deck includes the following:
- JDBC Driver Management: allows the user to upload specific database drivers for data connection
- Connection Management: this card allows users to create and manage database connections. Connections are validated before any changes are applied.
- Deck Registry: Now users can directly upload decks into the system. This will save a lot of time during development and will eliminate all deployment time and cost.
- Transaction History: This is an audit of all user transactions, this card allow users to see and search for user transactions
- Role Management: Use this card to manage roles.
- User Management: Use this card to manage users
- User Role: this card is use to associate roles to users.
* Better documentations
* Also included is a sample deck (PunchCard Examples)

Posted by Clivens LaGuerre 2008-05-15

Punchcard 2.0.0 released

Punchcard: A Data management tool (A bridge between data and its manager).
A XML configurable, highly customizable tool for easily building very rich and clean user-friendly work-flow pages to manage data.
This is a very flexible and scalable tool including role-base security, rules engine, data conversion and support for many different types of data-sources.

The purpose for this tool is to empower the non-technical data owner; Using this tool allows developers and/or DBAs to hand-over the maintenance of back-end data to their actual owner. Illuminate the need for annoying data-entry requests to developers and/or DBAs.... read more

Posted by Clivens LaGuerre 2007-06-28