Gordian Gossen - 2002-07-05

Hello Keyton,

I have some trouble to call my own "input-processor-script".
Perhaps you can show me the way:

Fact 1
I added the following function in

----- extension.py --------
def getZippedXML(tokenDictionary, paramDictionary,c,d):
  unzippedContent = myUtil.getMessageContent ("unzipped.xml")
  zippedContent   = myUtil.compressBufferWithGZIP (unzippedContent)
  return zippedContent
----- extension.py --------

It reads the content of a XML-file and put it into a string.
This string will be zipped and returned as string.

(REMARK: the parameter 'c' and 'd' are dummies, because without them, i got an error message:
...TypeError: getZippedXML() takes exactly 2 arguments (4 given)...

(please look at the end of this mail for the whole stacktrace - but this is not the main problem)

Fact 2

I don't know exactly how to call this processor-script in the puffinConfig.xml.

!! I must send the zipped XML string in the body of an POST Request!!

I tried and read your userguide, but i didn't understand.

? Does data in a POST request must always be in a key/value pair?
? What text should the  <param> name??? </param> Tag contain ?
? Do i need a <param> tag?

One example i tried:
--------- puffin.xml ---------
<testAction name='login'>

  <input name="whatName"

   <param name='myParam' eval='0'>zippedContent</param>

--------- puffin.xml ---------

I get the following error message:
2002-07-05 19:41:24,820 puffin An error occurred in processing the input 'whatName'. None will be returned for its value


Would you please tell me how it works?

Thank you for your time and have a good day.

Gordian Gossen

(REMARK: the parameter 'c' and 'd' are dummies, because without them, i get an error message (please look at the end of this mail)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "testaction.py", line 231, in execute
    httpGETInputs, httpPOSTInputs, httpHeaderParamTupleList = self.__processInputs(tokenDictionary, taskItemInputs, inpu
  File "testaction.py", line 387, in __processInputs
    value = input.getInputValue(tokenDictionary=currentTokenDictionary)
  File "testtoken.py", line 227, in getInputValue
    inputValue = eval(execString + '(tokenDictionary, self.paramDictionary, self.defaultValue, None)')
  File "<string>", line 0, in ?
TypeError: getZippedXML() takes exactly 2 arguments (4 given)

I monitored the values and there are 4 arguments, indeed!
( look at last line )

## inserted print statements in
in file:      testtoken.py
in function:  def getInputValue(self, tokenDictionary):
at line:      221

testtoken.py---execString---> extensions.getLoginXML

testtoken.py---tokenDictionary---> <testtoken.TokenDictionary instance at 00AAB78C>

testtoken.py---self.paramDictionary---> <paramdictionary.ParamDictionary instance at 00BDC5CC>


testtoken.py---eval-parameter---> extensions.getLoginXML(tokenDictionary, self.paramDictionary, self.defaultValue,