
#388 pam -E chooses poorly: tempo vs. tempo2

next release

When running pam -E to install a new ephemeris, pam quietly decides whether to use tempo or tempo2. There is (as far as I can tell) no way to specify which on the command line, though I'm told this can be set globally in the config file. But the automatic decision is based on the presence of certain keywords - for example UNITS - which tempo now emits in parfiles it generates. As a result, those parfiles are applied using tempo2, which does not support all the binary models that tempo does. (And of course tempo2 does not signal an error in a way that is communicated back to pam.) The result is puzzlingly misaligned archives. Allowing the user to specify tempo or tempo2 on the command line would resolve the issue.


  • Paul Demorest

    Paul Demorest - 2014-03-25
    • assigned_to: Paul Demorest
  • Paul Demorest

    Paul Demorest - 2014-03-25
    • status: open --> closed
  • Paul Demorest

    Paul Demorest - 2014-03-25

    I added the --ephver option to pam to allow you to manually specify tempo or tempo2. This overrides whatever is in the config file.


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