
Test binaries with AMS folder system up

AJ Milne
  • AJ Milne

    AJ Milne - 2009-09-23

    These are binaries with folders in the AMS (app selector GUI).

    .tgzs at: (1.5 kernel build) (CFW build)

    … note that this build also has the experimental typeface (12 typefaces + utility) in, supports bold/ital, has a glitch on wake where some fonts will develop missing glyphs.


    a) additional resources in appdb/ (new icons for folder system, new icons for wifi, install midlets). If installing over old install, make sure these get copied.

    b) semichordal board display uses TTF utility font. Use without freetype on has not been tested. Probably wouldn't work. I'm assuming Jurgen isn't using it anyway. And it works fine with TTF on, as well, anyway, tho' you have to be sure the utility.ttf in the install tarballs is there.

    c) ****Experimental AMS. Back up your install if installing over it. Should be safe, but potential for corruption of midlet store does exist.****

    Use of the AMS folder system:

    It's mostly a standard folder system. Default cmd for open folder is close, for closed is open. You get move, remove, open, close. There's no clipboard type stuff or 'drag' tho', yet… you mark things you want to move, then point to where you want to move them, as follows:

    To move midlets or folders, 'mark' them (select 'Mark'… a green check appears next to them), then point to the folder you want them to go into, and select 'move here'. It won't let you do stupid stuff like moving parents into their own children, but this will fail silently, without blocking other moves marked at the same time. Moves unmark everything as the items are moved. You can move any number of items at once.

    You also get a 'unmark all' command, for convenience.

    You can't rename the system folder or the root folder, and you can't move stuff into the system folder or create subfolders in it.

    Serialization should be automatic. Change it, stop, restart, you'll get the same thing back as you were looking at at exit. State (folder open/close) also preserved. Only change in state at restart will be as necessary to display the last-played midlet. As in: it tries to display the last played midlet on startup (same as before), and if you've closed folders above this, it will open them as necessary to show it to you.

    Similarily, when newly installed midlets come up, they come up in the root, and if the root is closed, it will open it to show you the selected new midlet.

    Yes, newly installed midlets always go into the root. For now.

    There's an 'attach missing (debug)' command on the root folder, in case the auto-attach ever fails after you install a new midlet, but this shouldn't happen now. Will leave for a bit as it might save testers some trouble. But if you ever install something and it doesn't appear properly, you can try this.

    You can move running midlets just fine. It shouldn't care.

    You can move folders with contents-the whole thing will be picked up from the marked folder, plunked down at its destination. But if you've also marked items and subfolder within such a folder as well (separately), these will be moved separately, and will wind up beside it. In other words-if you just want to move the folder and all its contents as they are, just mark the folder.

    You can have identically named folders and items next to each other. The system doesn't care. The names aren't really path names. Storage and serialization is just on ordinal arrays internally.

    You get a max of 64 characters per name (for now). Let me know if this is too few.

    There's no search folders facility yet, but it's on the list for 'real soon now'.

    On first run, it will install *all* the midlets you've installed (apart from the built-in ones) in the 'Installed midlets' root. The built-in stuff appears in the 'System midlets' folder.

  • AJ Milne

    AJ Milne - 2009-09-30

    There's a new set of builds up. Fixes all the known glitches remaining in the AMS and font systems.




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