
PSnews_v0.8b is now live

PSnews_v0.8b is now available for download. The following has been done:

Feature Added In This Version: Smilies
Feature Added In This Version: Printer Friendly links

Changes Made and/or Bugs Fixed:

PSnews_README.txt added instructions for adding Printer Friendly links to your news articles PSnews_EditNews.asp added support for Smilies (lines 101-106, 331-336 & 299-318)

PSnews_AddNews.asp added support for Smilies (lines 204-209 & 152-171)

PSnews_Config.asp added an option to turn Smilies on and off (lines 35-38)

PSnews_DeclareVariables.asp added strSmilies (line 23)

PSnews_EditNews.asp re-wrote the Function web2db to fix the "51" bug and the [brackets] bug (lines 280, 285, 290 & 310-324)

PSnews_EditNews.asp re-wrote the Function db2web to fix the "51" bug and the [brackets] bug (lines 87-100)

PSnews_EditNews.asp fixed the <img bug (line 97)

PSnews_AddNews.asp re-wrote the Function web2db to fix the "51" bug and the [brackets] bug (lines 139, 144, 149 & 189-203)

PSnews_StartNew.asp fixed a bug which caused the News Is Active flag to be ignored, therefore still showing Inactive news articles (lines 29 & 34)

File Added: PSnews_PrinterFriendly.asp

Images Added: PSnews_Img_Smilie_Sad.gif, PSnews_Img_Smilie_Happy.gif, PSnews_Img_Smilie_Wink.gif, PSnews_Img_Smilie_Grin.gif

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2003-02-02

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