

Drexal Page

V2 of hyper999's PS3 rapid fire. It has been fully tested and proved working on all modles other than the V4 as that board is unavailable to the RND team ATM

How to use this code

you can edit the speed of each mode in this code just like in bmu by editing the value of FIRERATE1,2,and3 shown here:

;*****  FIRERATES *****************************************************
FIRERATE1             equ        .167         ;6 sps
FIRERATE2             equ        .250         ;4 sps
FIRERATE3             equ        .125         ;8 sps
;to get desired speed divide 1000 by your desired sps then enter
;it here and recompile and reprogram the code
;Example: 1000/4 = .250

change the values to anything from 1 to 255 to suit your needs by downloading the source text file then open in notepad save as a .ASM file.
next open it in mplab and change the values in the code
then recompile by selecting Project> Quick build
finally program the generated hex file into a pic12f683 and install .


When installed to change mode simply tap the tact switch to toggle modes

mode 0 - OFF
mode 1 - led turns on       
mode 2 - led blinks twice 
mode 3 - led blinks thrice