
#23 Proxool redefines default user

v1.0 (example)
Miro Halas

I believe, I have identified bug in proxool.
We have a test suite we are using for testing of
different connection pools. One of our tests perform
following sequence operations which passes on all pools
except Proxool.

1. Initially we create pool A with user name aaa and
password bbb.
This used exist in the database.
2. Then we want to request from pool A connection for
user ccc and password bbb
This user doesn't exist and we get exception that user
ccc doesn't exist (even though I thin this is not
3. Then we want to request from pool A connection for
default user and password (without specifying user name
and password). We get an exception that user ccc
doesn't exist. This seems strange because the pool was
defined with default user name aaa and password bbb.

I have traced this behaviour to class ProxoolDriver
line 83/84 where is says
if (!cpd.isEqual)

WHat is happening it that Proxool redefines parameters
of the pool A from user aaa to user ccc. I believe this
is incorrect and 4 others pools behaves exacly that
way. Each pool (or in this case driver or datasource)
should have ability to specify the default user
name/password and at the same time request connection
for different user name and password.


  • Bill Horsman

    Bill Horsman - 2005-01-26
    • priority: 5 --> 6
    • assigned_to: nobody --> billhorsman
  • Bill Horsman

    Bill Horsman - 2005-01-26

    Logged In: YES

    I think I agree with you. There are a few different
    solutions to this, but I agree that the current behaviour is

  • Miro Halas

    Miro Halas - 2006-04-11

    Logged In: YES

    Will this be fixed in 0.9? I just upgraded to 0.9..0 RC2 and
    this bug still exist there. Thanks.


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