
ProtoMUCK 1.75 Released

Version 1.75 of ProtoMUCK was released tonight. Meant to have this out late April, but there were a few last minute bugs I wanted to get fixed for this version. Note that WinProto 1.75 was not released at the same time, but will be along as soon as Alynna has time to package it together.

As always, 1.75 brings with it increased stability and flexibility. There are a number of new prims to give the advanced programmers some more power to work with, a few rare crashers were caught and removed, and some more catching up with FB6 was done.

ProtoMUCK has some new people helping out with the project now:
Maruah/Nusakan - Handling the website work.
Aylnna - Handling WinProto and keeping it caught up with the linux version.
Foxsteve - Helping me with bug fixing and implementing new features.

The next target version is 1.80, and we have a lot of neat ideas and convenience features that we hope to implement in the months ahead.

As always, make sure to get your ideas to us so that we can look into implementing them. Use the feature request device to request ideas, and the bugs tracker to let us know about any problems you encounter while using ProtoMUCK. :)


Posted by R Taylor 2002-05-20

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