
prokyon3 0.9.2 for debian requires testers

  • Markus Kalkbrenner

    This is a message from Gustavo:

    The prokyon3 0.9.2 debian package is done and works for me(tm). It wasn't uploaded to Debian unstable, I'm requesting some tests from the users before.

    The Debian users can test the Debian package adding one line[1] to your /etc/apt/sources.list and running a "apt-get update; apt-get install prokyon3". After the tests just remove the line from /etc/apt/sources.list, run a "apt-get update; apt-get remove prokyon3".

    [1] = deb ./

    • Michael Fierro

      Michael Fierro - 2004-04-26

      Wow, a whole lot of very old messages on here. Six months later, let me say that the prokyon3 package available in testing (0.9.2) works great, except that it SEGFAULTS if I close prokyon without first disconnecting the database.

    • Ashar Voultoiz

      Ashar Voultoiz - 2004-11-21

      Deb package Version: 0.9.2-2

      Works great :o)  Some segfaults from time to time (like once per week) but I have not been able to reproduce them :p

    • Markus Kalkbrenner

      Stay tuned for 0.9.3 ...



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