
I really need help

  • aishah

    aishah - 2005-02-06

    I'm really really new in this. I would like to put Program E in my system. Firstly, can i know the database is actually my system database or for the bot database? How to edit the database that in the instruction ask to edit the dbsql.php? Which part should i edit? and when i run the bot, there was no respond. Is that because of my database?

    • Anne Kootstra

      Anne Kootstra - 2005-02-06

      The requirements for Program E are:
      1.) Webserver:
      This can be any webserver, most commonly it will either be Internet Information Server - - on Windows 2000/XP or Apache (both Windows and Linux) -
      2.) PHP:
      The application is written in the PHP scripting language. Your webserver should be able to process PHP files. PHP support for your webserver can be freely downloaded from
      3.) Database server:
      At present only a MySQL database server is supported. This is an opensource database server that runs on both Windows and many other OS'es. You can freely download the necessarry files from

      All of these applications aren't part of a standard windows install and with the exception of IIS, none of them can be installed from the MS Windows installation CD-ROM.

      Hope this helps you out.

      As ever,


    • aishah

      aishah - 2005-02-07

      ok..thank you..i've already get the output...and it works well..i'm very happy wit it...another question is how to make the password protect? and if i want to add my own question and answer, where should i put them?

      Thanks again:)

      • Anne Kootstra

        Anne Kootstra - 2005-02-08

        Password protecting your chatbot can be done on several levels. It really depends on how strong you want the chatbot to be protected.

        One way is to use the OS itself. Apache allows you to create a .htaccess file, this can include password protection access to that folder.

        Another way is to create a small piece of PHP script that does the trick for you. There are many classes out there that can do that for you.


    • aishah

      aishah - 2005-02-15

      how to create .htaccess file?

      how to create other knowledge-based i mean aiml file as i have to create question and answer regarding my system?

      can i edit the talk.php page to be some more attractive for my system?

      Thank you.

      • Anne Kootstra

        Anne Kootstra - 2005-02-15

        .htaccess is a file that works in combination with the webserver Apache. Since configuring Apache is beyond the scope of Program E I have to refer you to another site. A good introduction into the wonderful world of .htaccess can be found here: It will show you what .htaccess is, when to use it and when not to. Something that is just as important.

        Editing talk.php is possible and is something that most people do reasonably quick after installing Program E. Talk.php is part PHP script and part HTML. The HTML can easily be adapted, just open talk.php in a text editor, notepad on windows will do, and look for <html>, this is where the HTML userinterface starts.

        For more information on AIML itself, I'd like to refer you to, or

        As ever,


    • eurobuskers

      eurobuskers - 2005-02-15

      hi, it works also on my web server at!!!
      aiml files can be found on the net although i still havent worked out how to edit them correctly
      and the php files can be edited to change the text interface.
      I noticed in the sql one can change the name of the bot etc in the files bot and bots.
      its not much but it helps.


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