
Reversed Approach

  • simsjdf

    simsjdf - 2005-03-29

    I received a link that led me to Program Killer via a listserv I subscribe to.  I'd like to say I'm very intruged with Program Killer.  It looks very good.

    After reading some material about Program Killer I was wondering wouldn't it be conceptually easier to go the reverse route.

    Instead of having a black list of programs that are blocked.  Wouldn't it be simpler to have a white list of programs that are allowed?

    Off hand I can think of 100+ things to block.  Not to mention that with spyware/malware/virus's and that sort of stuff it's hard to keep a black list constantly up to date.

    Whereas going in reverse there's a list of maybe 40 or so things to allow and that is it.

    A thought anyway.

    • Joshua Kinard

      Joshua Kinard - 2008-06-24

      Well, with the way I rigged program killer to operate (find a blacklisted item in the tasklist, and terminate it), on the whitelist, you'd also need to include all the background Windows services, like svchost or lsass, anti-virus services. etc.  Even though some of those are impervious to a TerminateProcess() call, it's better to be safe than sorry.

      In truth though, Program Killer's been superseded by far better maintained products, such as Faronic's "Anti-Executable", which employs a whitelist-based approach, and I'll imagine, excludes services somehow.  If it's a whitelist solution you're looking for, I'd check them out.


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