
Source compilation does not work

  • Ivo Swartjes

    Ivo Swartjes - 2008-09-16


    Thanks for developing this plugin. Your project goal sounds very promising, I have been waiting for a plugin that can do more than simple syntax highlighting for Prolog.

    I've just installed the plugin and everything seems to work fine (even running Prolog files in a SWI-Prolog session), except the source compilation feature. Whatever I type in a Prolog editor gets syntax highlighted correctly, but never compiled - or so it seems. I've tried removing periods after predicates, or using nonexistent predicate as goals in other predicates, but the editor does not complain with errors.

    Anything I might be missing? Since I can successfully run Prolog files in a SWI session (using plcon.exe on a windows machine), I don't understand what could be wrong. I'm using Eclipse SDK


    • Carolina Serrano

      Hi Ivo,
      Have you configured the swi compiler at the windows preferences page ?

      Please visit  if you haven't  and let me know if the file finally compiled :)


    • Ivo Swartjes

      Ivo Swartjes - 2008-09-24

      Hi Carolina,

      Thanks for your reply. I have indeed configured the SWI compiler (selected plcon.exe in pl/bin), and "Swi Compiler" is selected as the Default Compiler. I assume this is done correctly as I can select "Run as -> Run SWI session" on a Prolog file and it will open in the Eclipse console, compiled and well. Some more things I tried:

      * No errors or warnings to be seen about prolog files in either the prolog perspective or the java perspective, so it's not a "matter of perspective".
      * Errors that I introduce to test the compiler do end up as errors when I open a SWI session in the Eclipse console, so they are "legitimate errors" :)
      * I think this problem doesn't have to do with the SWI-Prolog version (used both 5.6.54 and 5.6.60 to no avail).
      * Building automatically or building manually makes no difference.

      Anyone else got problems with the compilation error feature?



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