Mnerea Darius - 2012-09-13

After a single click, your computer will run better than ever! With our high level technology, you will feel that you have renewed it, no more errors, crashes and compatibility issues! Increase your PC lifespan, now!

16 things you should know about Pristine Performance Injector!
1. Will optimize your operating system, tripling its speed! (You don't believe? Try!);
2. Better memory management;
3. Reduces game crashes;
4. No more "blue screens of death";
5. Cleans your PC, deeply;
6. Increases your PC lifespan;
7. No more compatibility issues;
8. It's totally FREE;
9. Easy to use;
10. Over 900,000 lines of code, in only 1 MB;
11. Knows when to act, and how to act;
12. Reduces the risk of your PC to crash;
13. Stops overloading of your system;
14. Knows how to manage memory and the balance in favor of each program;
15. Improve gaming experience;
16. Intuitive interface;
Maximizes the speed of your Internet Connection.