
Presto Web / News: Recent posts

New FAQ added


Now you willl found a FAQ, it has only one question because.. I don't know what king of things you can ask... Please use the forums to say what should puit in there.

Also... Soon the FAQ will become in a package :)

Also too, i am looking for people who want to code or addapt scripts, because it's impossible that i can make it all by my own.

Thanks to all.

Posted by César A. Bernardini 2005-07-30

Presto Web 2.0 Build #2


This time is fair to be glad about the new release. Now Presto Web is really functional in server running at normal state... I had some troubles yet with SAFE MODE... But I just need some time to fix it.

Well... This new build do everything by his own, it download the package_tree and every package you select.

To install it:
- Download the file or .rar
- Extract it
- Upload all the data of prestoweb-2.0build2 folder
- Set permissions as 777 to all the files
- Go to your install.php and read please!!... read more

Posted by César A. Bernardini 2005-07-27

Presto Web 2.0 Build #1 with Packages Available

Hi! I am glad to announce the first build of the Presto Web 2.0. This bring us the most important changes and a general overview about hat Presto Web 2.0 will be.

Now, you have to download two packages to install it: and The first one has all the files needed to install the system, but the packages files must be extracted into packages folder to be allowed to install the "packages".... read more

Posted by César A. Bernardini 2005-07-24

2.0 version first build available

Hi People!

I am not dead... I am just working with Presto Web 2.0... I am thinking about what license should I use... But the website design has been completely redefined.

This website has been developed with three packages: poll,sections and rss parser.

Well... Time to talk about the sistem, eh? Okay... The new Presto Web system has a package system, you run a wizard when you want to install it and choose only what you want.... read more

Posted by César A. Bernardini 2005-07-23

Presto Web


Well, the new version brings a little bit of features:
- Fixed Bug with return messages in admin3.php
- Replaced GET for POST in some places.
- Changed language.php
- Rewritten tagboard.php
- Added 2 Template for Tagboard: created admin
- Added Tagboard admin
- Re-written index.php:
- When you want to add news you have to
use [loadnews] tag.
- Change News System: Category for news
- Admin Center: Add Category
- Admin Center: Edit Category
- Admin Center: Delete Category
- Admin Center: Send News, select category... read more

Posted by César A. Bernardini 2004-06-26

Presto Web


After a few days, I bring the new release. It just fix a lot of bugs specially with global variables. The changelog list is this:
- Fixed bugs with Global Variables in
admin2.php, admin3.php, admin.php,
banner.php, poll.php and banner.php
- Fixed Bug in banner.php
- Fixed Bug in index.php
- Fixed Important Bug in quiz.php: now
you can play without problems.
- Fixed Parse error on german.php... read more

Posted by César A. Bernardini 2004-06-10

New Feature Announcement!


I was working in the new features and they will be:

- Multilanguage Support
- Espaol
- English
- German
- Danish
- Change News System: Category for news
- Admin Center: Add Category
- Admin Center: Edit Category
- Admin Center: Delete Category
- Admin Center: Send News, select category
- Design default Templates
- At least, 3 pretty designs
- Gallery system! To show photos of specified folder
- Create Thumbnails
- List photografies from a directory
- Show those pictures
- Generate HTML of all webpages to don't need that your
server support PHP and either data bases or templates.
- Download System!
- Upload the news file or get url.
- List all files to download
- List last X files
- Categorice Menu
- Template for Menu
- Template for every section
- Simple Guestbook:
- Send your Message
- Edit from Admin Center
- Delete from Admin Center
- Admin for Tagboard.
- Delete Messages
- Admin Center: change config.php
- Template for Tagboard.
- Admin Center: Edit Tagboard Template
- Set Size banners (i.e.: 468x60, 88x31)
- System to know how much people are in the website.... read more

Posted by César A. Bernardini 2004-06-10

Presto Web


This is the new release of Presto Web. It brings a important new feature:
- Multisupport language: English, Spanish, German and French.

Thank you very much to icare747 and chemfy for translations!


Posted by César A. Bernardini 2004-06-05

Installation Guide in German


Presto Web has a new member, he is Sabry Loedige. He's from Flensburg in Germany very close to the danish border. He will work as translator, may be soon we can have a german website!

Url of New documentation:

That's all!

Posted by César A. Bernardini 2004-05-30

Installation Guide in English and Spanish


After to write a little, now there are two guides to install Presto Web in your website in 9 steps.

Documentation in English:

Documentation in Spanish:

And also, I fix a little bug with quiz.php, thank you very much to the guy who discover it (he doesn't login when hi sended the bug).... read more

Posted by César A. Bernardini 2004-05-28

Presto Web 1.0! Aleluya!


This is the first Stable version, I can't found any bug... This is the changelog list:
- Fixed Bug with Template Folder in admin.php
- Changed size of all textareas
- Template when there aren't news
- Added Generate HTML News section
- Fixed translation mistakes
- Fixed bug in Edit News Template

And the main template was changed for another so different. Ok! Enjoy Presto Web!

Posted by César A. Bernardini 2004-05-24

Presto Web 1.0 Release Candidate 2


This is the second release candidate that I code. The first has a lot of bugs and now it is checked!

The principal changes of this second release are:
- Added: Change Password
- Fixed bug in Edit Section
- Added poll.txt in this distribution
- Wizard edited:
- Created config.php with information of data
folders: Added in all files.
- Changed tags for templates
- Fixed a lot of bugs in Wizard
- Added link to Change Menu Order
- Changed [resto] for [poll] in poll.php
- Fixed bugs with images in poll.php
- When wizard is completed the file is deleted!... read more

Posted by César A. Bernardini 2004-05-21

Presto Web 1.0 RC1 Yeah!


It is amazing in a week with 12 hours coding I have finished the first Release Candidate! REcently the first Stable version will be here... If I still working so hard may be tomorrow... but may be...

The first Release Candidate bring a lot of features:
- Fixed: Edit Section
- Presto Poll integration completed
- Edit Menu Order completed
- Fixed Bug in Edit Section
- Install Wizard Created
- New Design for Wizard... read more

Posted by César A. Bernardini 2004-05-17


This is the third distribution of Presto Web, it is so better that the later version, I'll wait you can use it.

I 'm going to paste the content of changelog:
- Changed Changelog design
- Changed Admin Center design
- Corrections in the traslation
- Added: Section in Admin Center to find updates
- Fixed a lot of bugs in authentication system
of Admin Center
- Added: Edit News Template
- Completed Admin Center Design
- Fixed bug in Edit News section
- Fixed mistakes in Quiz section
- Added: Change Quiz Name
- Fixed Bug in Quiz file: when nquiz.txt doesn't
exist the system show as name: Quiz
- Added: Edit Section... read more

Posted by César A. Bernardini 2004-05-17 Avaible!

Hello Everybody!

The new Presto Web version is avaible now, you can download it, but remember it is a alpha version, it has a lot of good things, but there are to much way to get the stable version: i am coding 3 hours per day but it is not enough... May be, this week I can do the 0.9 version.

Manuals, Documentation and the rest of the website will be in the next week....

But, a thing if you wana help send me a mail: read more

Posted by César A. Bernardini 2004-05-16

Inaguration of Presto Web website


I am the webmaster of Presto Poll and now I begin a new project called Presto Web it is a system to generate easy, quick and dynamic websites. It is coded in PHP and does not need mysql because it uses filetexts to save all the information.

Now, the script it is been coded... Yo have to wait a little time to get this system, if you want to help me please use the SF system, and send me a mail.... read more

Posted by César A. Bernardini 2004-05-13