
Prelude / News: Recent posts

Prelude moving from Sourceforge

We are currently migrating the Prelude project to Tuxfamily due to the recent Sourceforge terms change.

If you are using to access the project ressources, keep in mind this will not work anymore very soon.

Use instead.

Posted by Yoann Vandoorselaere 2002-02-26

Prelude hybrid IDS 0.4.2 released.

Prelude is an hybrid intrusion detection system written from the scratch in C over the past 3 years.

Prelude is distributed under the GPL license and is available at

You can download this release and see the Release Notes on

Posted by Yoann Vandoorselaere 2001-08-27

Prelude hybrid IDS 0.4.1 released.

Prelude is an hybrid intrusion detection system written from the scratch in C over the past 3 years.

Prelude is distributed under the GPL license and is available at

Before installing this release (and if you previously installed Prelude), be sure to delete the directory containing the Prelude plugins :

rm -rf /usr/local/lib/prelude/<br>


rm -rf /usr/lib/prelude... read more

Posted by Yoann Vandoorselaere 2001-08-18

Prelude hybrid IDS 0.4.0 released.

Prelude is an hybrid intrusion detection system written from the scratch in C over the past 3 years. Prelude is distributed under the GPL license and is availlable at

* Summary of changes

This is a major release :

- Include the new signature engine

The Prelude signature engine finally got integrated. It is completly generic (core signature engine separated from signature parser) and should allow to make binding for any existing rulesets.... read more

Posted by Yoann Vandoorselaere 2001-08-16

Prelude website updated

The Prelude website was just updated, we hope that you'll enjoy it's new look. The new interface that we use will allow us for easy posting of new content.

Several informations may not be updated yet, but it will be fixed shortly.

Thanks to Odile Darmet <> for all her great work.

Posted by Yoann Vandoorselaere 2001-08-15

Prelude and Trithme merging

Prelude and Trithme, two intrusion detection projects have just decided to merge during the Libre Software Meeting in order to optimize development and software efficiency. The project will keep the original Prelude
name. Trithme team will bring its knowledge in the field of distributed architecture, non-linear and long term correlation and host-based functions: Notably, for the first time, the centralised logging based on distributed sensors, countermeasures and automated responses process. They will also contribute to the developpment of an administrative console to centralize the administration and reporting functions -- all of this will take advantage of the strongly modular architecture of Prelude to extend it in a distributed fashion to hybrid capability. The two developement teams will join soon, keeping a cooperative and free developement model. All theses improvments will so be done in a transparent fashion for the users and will be integrated during the future Prelude releases.... read more

Posted by Yoann Vandoorselaere 2001-07-07

Coming back to using the Sourceforge services.

We are currently moving the Prelude projects back to Sourceforge. The CVS repository was deleted and the history reset because it would have been a pain to merge > 1 year of developement back in this CVS.

The Prelude release also were posted here, and we are currently preparing the mailing list switch.

Posted by Yoann Vandoorselaere 2001-06-09