
#13 Contact Tab Error

Brian Rowe

When clicking the "contacts" tab, I am getting an error "Oooops!!!
Something has gone wrong."

Error message :
A database related error has occured.


  • Mayor Brain

    Mayor Brain - 2010-07-24

    Hi Brain,
    I am going to need to view your logs, to get a clue of what's happening here.
    Use your favourite mysql client to export the 'logs' table of your precurio database, to a file. You can then attach the file to this ticket using the "attach file" link below.


  • Brian Rowe

    Brian Rowe - 2010-07-25

    I am unsure whether this is what you are asking for, however I had my webhost send it to me becuase I was unsure where to get it from. Thanks again.

  • Mayor Brain

    Mayor Brain - 2010-07-26

    Hello Brian,
    I am still expecting the exported 'logs' table data, or have you been able to resolve the error?

  • Brian Rowe

    Brian Rowe - 2010-07-26

    hi, I uploaded the log below, is this what you are looking for?

  • Brian Rowe

    Brian Rowe - 2010-07-26

    contacts tab screenshot - after clicking it.

  • Brian Rowe

    Brian Rowe - 2010-07-26

    screenshot - after upload of content, and viewing it on the home tab. Nothing is showing.

  • Mayor Brain

    Mayor Brain - 2010-07-26

    Hi Brian,
    Sorry that is not what I am looking for.
    What i need is a backup of the 'logs' table in your Precurio database.

    Another way to get this is to use the Precurio backup and restore feature in the Admin module, and then send me the backup.

  • Brian Rowe

    Brian Rowe - 2010-07-26

    unfortunately I am unable to get the backup/restore feature due to the version I have. Is there another way I can get the log?

  • Mayor Brain

    Mayor Brain - 2010-07-27

    ok, you can send your mysql client (e.g sqlyog) to connect to your mysql server, using the connection details given to you by your webhost. Select the Precurio database, then the 'logs' table. Right-Click the "logs" table, and select "Export as SQL statements".

    OR you can tell your webhost to simply send you a backup of your precurio database.

  • Mayor Brain

    Mayor Brain - 2010-07-27
    • milestone: --> v2.0.4
    • assigned_to: nobody --> mayorbrain
  • Mayor Brain

    Mayor Brain - 2010-07-27

    sorry, that should be
    "ok, you can use your mysql client (e.g sqlyog) to connect to your mysql

  • Brian Rowe

    Brian Rowe - 2010-07-27

    sql log


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