
Installing Precurio on a hosted web-site

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is there any chance I can install and run Precurio on a web-site which's being hosted by a hosting provider.
    The reason why am I asking this, is that I tried to install it, but on a very first step of starting the installation (running "") I get an error screen saying:

    "Warning: include_once(Content.php) : failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/mediaban/public_html/intranet/library/Zend/Loader.php on line 146

    Warning: include_once() : Failed opening 'Content.php' for inclusion (include_path='/home1/mediaban/public_html/intranet/library:/home1/mediaban/public_html/intranet/application/default/models::/home1/mediaban/public_html/intranet/application/user/models/vo:/home1/mediaban/public_html/intranet/application:/home1/mediaban/public_html/intranet/application/default/layouts:.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home1/mediaban/public_html/intranet/library/Zend/Loader.php on line 146

    Fatal error: Class 'Content' not found in /home1/mediaban/public_html/intranet/application/news/models/vo/News.php on line 5"

    any suggestions?

  • Mayor Brain

    Mayor Brain - 2010-10-11

    Yes, you can run Precurio on a  website running on a shared host.

    From what I can see, it's there is a problem with your include path.

    What version of php are you using?
    What version of apache?
    and what version of Precurio?

    I noticed you posted under 'anonymous', i advise you post under a registered username so you can get email notifications of replies to your post.

  • Kartveli

    Kartveli - 2010-10-13

    Thanks for the reply.

    PHP version is 5.2.9
    apache 2.2.15
    and precurio version 2.0.4

  • Mayor Brain

    Mayor Brain - 2010-10-14

    I have been trying to investigate this issue, but I don't seem to be able to reproduce it.

    We will have to resolve to trial and error then.

    I have uploaded a file to temporarily (Sourceforge forums don't have attach file feature, this is part of the many reasons we are moving to our new forums site, you can actually create this thread there if it won't be too much trouble.)

    Anyway, download the zip file, unzip it to get 'index.php', and upload it to /home1/mediaban/public_html/intranet/public/ (it should replace the existing one).

    What I have done is to add the cms/models/vo directory (where Content.php is located) to the include path, though this should not have been necessary. I have also removed addition of any pre-existing include paths, which am guessing may be the cause of the issue.

    Pls let me know your findings.

    Thank you

  • Kartveli

    Kartveli - 2010-10-14

    Your support is highly appreciated. Thank you!

    I rewrote index.php and the only error I get now out of 3 shown in my first post is this:

    "Fatal error: Class 'Content' not found in /home1/mediaban/public_html/intranet/application/news/models/vo/News.php on line 5"

    Thank you in advance once again.

  • Mayor Brain

    Mayor Brain - 2010-10-14

    This is really weird.  is there a way you can send me your Content.php file so I can further investigate. The file is located at "/home1/mediaban/public_html/intranet/application/cms/models/vo/"

    Thank you.

  • Kartveli

    Kartveli - 2010-10-15


    Thank you for your support.

  • Mayor Brain

    Mayor Brain - 2010-10-16

    The Content.php file is okay.
    I have traced the installation process and nothing seems to suggest the possibility of your issue,
    my guess is whatever is messing the installation up must be coming from the environment (i.e. server).
    You could try installing earlier versions of Precurio, lets see if something different happens.

    Also,  we would be releasing  Precurio hosted service soon, would you be interested? so you intranet would simple be located at

  • Kartveli

    Kartveli - 2010-10-17

    Sure. Intranet hosted service would be just great! It will also be an awesome way for lots of companies to get office intranet without hiring a web-master and paying thousands of bucks.

    Thank you.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    please i'm having the same problem how do i solve it?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I also have this problem…


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