
Postlister / News: Recent posts

Postlister 1.16

After more than a year, there is now a new version of Postlister available, dubbed version 1.16 in an effort to continue with the original version scheme. This version adds several new languages as well as a few new features and bugfixes.

Because Postlister is a stable project, development tends to be laid back, but if you have new features you would like to add or encounter any bugs, please send in any patches and they will be reviewed for inclusion into the main distribution. We are also in need of translators to update some of the language files, if your interested take a look at the english.php file for additions. ... read more

Posted by Robert Treat 2002-09-07

Postlister Announcments Mailing List

I have created an announcement list for postlister useing postlister itself, to subscribe go to:
This is a very low traffic list (1 or 2 messages a month) to send out notifications regarding the postlister project. If you are concerned about current or future releases of postlister please subscribe to the list.

Developers should not the version running on sourceforge is a 1.25 release that incorporates most of the random patches and functions that have been lying around. This is availale upon request, however since there are already several different development versions available I won't be makeing it a general release. The next step will be to encorporate the "moshe bergman" files into the current development files before makeing the next development release.

Posted by Robert Treat 2001-10-12

Postlister CVS access now available

Postlister is now available via CVS @ sourceforge. The current cvs is essentially the 1.0 public release (or 1.15 if your following along with the changelog).

The next phase of development will be to begin integrateing several updates and patches into the CVS as we work towards a 2.0 release. has also been updated. It now contains feature information, an FAQ, basic install instructions, and more. ... read more

Posted by Robert Treat 2001-07-26

Postlister gets new Admin

Just wanted to announce that I have been added to the postlister project as an administrator to help take over for Patrick. My first order of buisness will be to get CVS running on sourceforge for any intrested parties. Once that is complete, Patrick has turned over a bunch of patches / updates / files that I will be looking into integrateing with postlister. Somewhere I also hope to spruce up the postlister home page too. If anyone else has something they would like to contribute feel free to email me at

Posted by Robert Treat 2001-07-24