

  • Vern Howard

    Vern Howard - 2015-08-27

    Is there a walkthrough any where on how to migrate users from one domain to another within PostfixAdmin?

  • Simon Hobson

    Simon Hobson - 2015-08-27

    I'm not aware of anything.
    What exactly are you needing to do - is it simply a "big bang" switch from one domain to another, or something a bit more subtle ?

    It not too hard to manually update the database and physically move the mail folders in the filesystem.

  • Vern Howard

    Vern Howard - 2015-08-27

    Its basically a big bang switch. Moving approx 305 accounts from one domain to another. The server they reside on will be the same no changes there so its gonna be easy to move/copy folders over from one domain to the other.

  • Simon Hobson

    Simon Hobson - 2015-08-28

    In that case, I think I'd just be directly editing the database - there aren't many tables and the schemas are fairly simple. Mostly it'll be a case of "update blah set <something> = 'newdomain' where <something> = 'olddomain' :" Of course, it's slightly trickier where the domain isn't the entire contents of the field, and you need to watch aliases which can have multiple destinations.

    Moving the mail is just a case of "mv <base>/olddomain <base/newdomain"

    Of course, you ned to stop all mail services while doing this, test in advance, and have a backup !

    EDIT: I am slightly curious how you intend to manage the end user changes - ie updating the end users clients etc. I know this is the biggest PITA at work whenever we do anything. Yesterday one of my colleagues was doing a remote support session for a client and when it got to "can you put your password in please" he got the answer "I don't know what it is". What fun.


    Last edit: Simon Hobson 2015-08-28

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