
Postfix Alias Issue

  • NeHe

    NeHe - 2013-05-10

    I uses sasl to authenticate my postfix users. Joe Blow will have an entry in sasl as joeb, his mail address is, his mailbox box is joeb. joe.blow receives all email sent to but if I attempt to send him email using the mail address it fails with unknown user. His entry in aliases is joe.blow : joeb. In the logs I can see joe.blow mail is sent to joeb. Can someone tell me where I should start looking to fix this issue? Do I seriously need to make an entry for all the short names in aliases? I'm sure this worked before upgrading to a newer postfix. I have no issue posting configs or talking via email if someone can give me some pointers. Would love to get the short names working.

  • GingerDog

    GingerDog - 2013-05-10

    Hi NeHe,

    What you've described above sounds like a generic postfix problem - and not a problem you should experience if you were using PostfixAdmin (after all, with PostfixAdmin you wouldn't have to edit the aliases file, as you'd be using the PFA web interface to manage aliases and all the rest.).

    I'd almost think that your problem is that Postfix doesn't know about, but does know about joeb@localhost (or whatever your default domain is). Hence sending to an alias works.

    I'd suggest you have a look at your postfix log files (/var/log/mail.log sometimes) and the output from e.g. postmap -q hash:/etc/aliases (perhaps).



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