
Error while checkout from cashsales

  • padmanabhan J

    padmanabhan J - 2009-01-20

    I am using Posterita Demo user to create a cash sales. When i click the check out button after i added some products, it is throwing the error like

    "Fail to process your request. Cause : Cannot save PO object. org.compiere.model.MOrderLine Cause: Product is not on PriceList"

    But already the product is added in the "Posterita Ltd Sales Price List".

    Please help me out


    • fredtsang

      fredtsang - 2009-01-29

      The was highly unstable, but it is a lot better right now, Can you try again see if it works.



    • sajir

      sajir - 2009-01-30

      when you create a product price list should created from  ; for making a sale type of price list should detect of that particular product

      "now do oen thing_/   go to administration -~ product ~  select the particular product and edit , with adding price list

    • gonzalo alvarez

      gonzalo alvarez - 2009-03-19

      Dear all, how do I do that?

      "now do oen thing_/ go to administration -~ product ~ select the particular product and edit , with adding price list 

      I went to the edict the product, but, I don't have something like "Adding price"

      Thanks in advance!!!!

    • Muhammad Kashif Abdullah

      i have same problem

      "Fail to process your request. Cause : Cannot save PO object. org.compiere.model.MOrderLine Cause: Product is not on PriceList"

      i am using posterita on vista with wamp server please help me


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