
Account used in Financial analysis report

  • r035198x

    r035198x - 2009-04-01

    The posReport.jsp has hard coded values for accounts used for the report (e.g 51100 for COGS). If a client imports their accounting file there is a good chance that their COGS account will be matched to a different C_ElementValue. The hard coding approach is also not very extensible.

    I propose that the JSP should instead use account values retrieved from the database, the defaults on accounting schema could be used for that. That way a client can map their accounts to any values and the report would still work. Otherwise they would keep getting an OperationException (Unable to resolve account type).

    What do you guys think?

    • fredtsang

      fredtsang - 2009-04-01

      Yes this has been fixed in the enterprise edition, there has been major refactoring as mentioned previously, we will be releasing the core framework this month of march. You can test the application directly on to have an overview.


      Frederick Tsang

    • r035198x

      r035198x - 2009-04-01

      I see. Thanks for the response.


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