
Link which switches to different page

  • Ronald Plöger

    Ronald Plöger - 2004-04-27


    is it possible to create a link where you specify a different page in your portal and jump to that page.

    What I mean is you have page1 and page2 and there is portletA in page1. Now you want to link to page2 from portletA. How do I create the link?

    Merci, Ronald

    • Plumtree Software

      There is no ability to specify a page in the jsr-168 specification.

      • Ronald Plöger

        Ronald Plöger - 2004-05-04


        this sounds like a major limitation to me. For example if I want to integrate a CMS into a portal I might have pages for "press releases" and one for "event".

        Now I think it is a reasonable requirement to link from a press release to an event and change the page at this time.

        • Plumtree Software

          My suggestion would be to look at the Sun JSR-168 site and see if there is any forum or page that allows you to enter feature requests.


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