
Skinning Question

  • James E Lang

    James E Lang - 2005-04-23

    As I understand things, the colors, borders, etc. come exclusively from file "style.css" in the directory of the skin selected on the configuration page. Is this true or is there some alternate source for these settings that is used when that file does not cover a particular class?


    • Texas Fett

      Texas Fett - 2005-04-23

      There are a few things that are still defined in the HTML.  Most display stuff has been removed and is only in the styles.css, but not everything.  Most of what is still defined in the HTML is widths.  If you run into something that causes trouble let me know, it can probably be changed without a lot of effort.

      If there is not something in the HTML and its not in styles.css then its got to be the browser defaults.  But be sure to think about how CSS works.  For example:

      td gives rules for all table cells unless the specific rules are redefined in a more specific rule.

      td.example will control only table cells that are of the class example.

      .example will match all things with class example so this could be used to give styles to divs, tds, or anything else with that class name.

      And of course table and tr styles can affect the display of table cells too.

      If you use Firefox's Web Developer Toolbar extention you can click on the toolbar's CSS button, then in the dropdown select View Style Information.  Then whatever you move the cursor over will display what the object is styled as.  If you click on an object it will show you the specific styles that have something to do with that object.

      If you are using the CVS version the config bar is still using a lot of inline CSS styles, but once finalized that will all be moved to styles.css.  It looks like I am not going to be able to work on it for 2 or 3 weeks.  The semester is ending and I have lots to do.  But after that I should be able to devote a lot of time to it.

      I hope I don't hold up the release, but once I can get the default skin done John can at least start on the RCs.  This release should take a lot more testing than previous releases because of all the multiuser stuff so hopefully this won't turn out to be a problem.

    • Michael Bierman

      Michael Bierman - 2005-04-23

      This probably isn't quite what you meant, but some of the text coloring (i.e. to reflect what bucket the word is associated with) are done in the HTML directly, not in css.


    • James E Lang

      James E Lang - 2005-04-23

      Yeah, the problem I'm having deals with borders or padding in a table I have on the buckets page. I was pretty sure that there was no attempt to use the style.css file in the default skin for cases that are not covered by a particular skin's own style.css file but I posted the item just in case. I did not, nor do I now, see any way that such could be an issue but then, "what do I know?"

      Thanks guys!


      • Michael Bierman

        Michael Bierman - 2005-04-23


        If you are willing to send or post a copy of your skin, I'd be willing to try to help you figure out what's going on.  I'm pretty sure others would also help.


        • James E Lang

          James E Lang - 2005-04-23

          Thank you Michael.

          I had a brain storm just as I was going to sleep after my last post on this thread. The problem is that I am dealing with a table that is nested inside another table. I was looking at the outer table but the browsers are looking at the inner table. Duh! The nesting was not needed so the solution is quite simple. I'm going to fix that issue right now.

          As for sending or posting the skin, I need to work on the mechanism for that. Since converting to Linux a bit over a year ago now, I have not done any ftp uploads to my web site and I'm not sure I know how to do so. In my Windows days I used SmartFTP to transfer files between my computer and my ISP's. I never learned a command line method of accomplishing the task. Since going online six to eight years ago I've grown lazy and have taken to using products that have a nice GUI in place of learning how to do things via the command line. Shame on me!


          • James E Lang

            James E Lang - 2005-04-23

            My "brain storm" was correct. Things are looking much better.



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