
how to move undesired mails to /dev/null

  • mess-mate

    mess-mate - 2007-10-20

    As the subject say, how can i move undesired mails to /dev/null, = deleting auto matically when retrieved ?
    best regards

    • Alec Burgess

      Alec Burgess - 2007-10-21

      Mess-mate:> As the subject say, how can i move undesired mails to /dev/null, = deleting automatically when retrieved ?

      This is up to the email-client. Assuming you are using "normal" POP3 usage where you download email from server, deleting the server copy (at the instruction of the email client which passes the DELE through Popfile to the server) - CORRECT?

      If so, in most clients (eg. Thunderbird) you set up a filter which recognizes "spam" mail based either on the [spam] tag in the subject or in the X-Text-Classification header and then deletes the email.

      FWIW - this practice is NOT recommended. Better to shunt Spam to a special folder and have a look at the subject lines once in a while before deleting. Even at my current 99.65% accuracy, once in a while Popfile gets it wrong. YMMV :-) 

    • mess-mate

      mess-mate - 2007-10-28

      I think..... you're right. I'll forget it :)


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