
newbie need help still getting spam!

  • Kathy

    Kathy - 2008-02-10

    I'm still getting spam in my inbox along with personal emails. Each has spam or personal next to it in parenthesis. Shouldn't the spam mail go to a bucket and not my inbox?  thanks

    • Texas Fett

      Texas Fett - 2008-02-10

      That is how POPFile works.  It can't actually move the messages on its own.  You need to setup a filter in your mail program that says if POPFile marks it as spam then move it to your spam folder.  Info and instructions for common mail clients are here:

    • SBernheart

      SBernheart - 2008-02-10

      That depends.  It DID go through the bucket 'spam', thus the email you received was classified with '[spam]' marked on it.  Did you set up your email program with a folder called 'Spam'?  If so, did you remember to set up your message rules as well?

      What email program do you use?  I use Incredimail and on it, I go to 'Tools', then scroll down to 'Message Rules...'.  Once there, you have to tell your program that you have 'rules' by which you want your messages categorized.  Again, using mine as an example, I did this:

      'If Subject line contains '[spam]', move message to 'Spam' folder.

      It's one of the easiest rules to set up.  Mine already uses the word 'If' then gives me choices of which I chose 'Subject line contains' then typed in '[spam]' (without the quotes, just 'left bracket, s, p, a, m, right bracket').  Mine already uses the word 'then' and I chose 'Move it to' and, from the remaining text box or drop-down list, a folder I had previously created called 'Spam'.  Click 'OK' and exit or close your 'Message Rules' pop-up and that should take care of it.  I also created rules for each of my special folders including one for '[unclassified]', '[all_news]' and '[webpages]'.  You will probably get messages called '[unclassified]' for those POPFile hasn't considered 'spam' yet, but doesn't know what else to call them either, so I chose to separate these from my regular Inbox.  To separate family and friends from my other Internet contacts from websites I visit, I chose to make a bucket for them, too.  I then made a folder called 'Webpages', so I needed another message rule as well.  Don't worry about making a mistake.  Message rules can easily be edited or deleted if not right, but you MUST use the EXACT bucket name (in lower-case, I think) and if you used an underscore like I used in one of mine, that must be used, too.  However you typed in your bucket name for POPFile must be the same for your rules in your email program.

      You can make as many buckets as you'd like (I have seven with seven separate matching folders in Incredimail) and you can name your buckets and matching folders whatever you need to.  You can also choose to send more than one bucket type to just one folder.  That's why right now you're getting 'spam' and 'personal' to your Inbox.  That's the default folder, so everything will be sent there unless you tell your email program otherwise, but POPFile's done it's job classifying the messages for you.  For more info on the subject, check the page here at, scrolling down to the section "Okay. Now we've done that, it's time to set up your mail filters..." as well as this page here at, scrolling to whatever email program you are using and see if it includes anything else to help you, OK?

      The forum guys will chime in if I've left anything out.  They're great like that in here and if you don't understand something, don't hesitate to reply, OK?  Be sure to include as much info as you can (what email program are you using, browser type, etc) so a reply can be as accurate as possible pertaining to the program you're actually using.  Most of what I gave you based on my Incredimail is pretty much the same in most other programs.  Each may use slightly different wording, but the basics are the same, so you shouldn't have any problems if this step was all you were missing.  Don't forget to create your folders first before your message rules.  You probably already have ones like 'Inbox', 'Deleted', 'Sent', etc.  You just need to create one for 'Spam', if that's all you're looking for.  Once you've done that, then you can create the rule to send messages marked '[spam]' there.

      Good luck!  Hope I was able to help....

      SBernheart  [;}]


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