
#9 Rewards

Story Mode (4)

I'm thinking of adding some sort of "reward" system to
make the game more interesting.

So when you reach a certain point, you get access to
more buildings or maybe an instand (cash?) reward.

Some things I've thought about:

when you reach certain populations (10.000, 100.000
..etc) you get to build 1 (one) monument. This could be
a statue, a mansion, city hall, fountain, a tower ala
the Eiffel Tower etc. This would be for pride only - no
direct effect on the game.

when you reach 2 times your starting balance, you get
to build a bank (price: $100.000), this will give you
$500 each turn (an investement that won't pay off right
away). and when you reach 3 times the starting balance,
you can build a new bank for $200.000, that gives $1000
each turn and so on

build 100 trees = get a zoo (effect: ?)
build 100 water tiles = get a ship (moving like the
build 100 roads = get a car (like the ship)

Anything else that should be reachable?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    At like 5,000 get a mayors house, 20,000 a city hall, a
    statue at 2500, so on...
    The car: not such a good idea, no use for it.
    The ship: see car, unless you have a zoo. Perhaps have a zoo
    requirement! then you could have the military ship the
    monsters to the zoo and have them shown off as a city
    treasure! maybe make money off of the visitors to the zoo,
    entrance fee according to # of and type of monsters there
    The zoo: good idea!
    The bank: build for like $30,000 after you've reached 50,000
    citizens, then you can take out loans there too! if you make
    it too easy to get it will make the game too easy. perhaps
    change the pricing and amount per month by the
    difficulty(not implemented yet!)?

  • magarity kerns

    magarity kerns - 2003-07-01

    Logged In: YES

    I like the monuments idea. As for money, how about a stock
    exchange or commodity exchange instead of a bank? the
    stock exchange will return a small % (like 1/10 of 1%) of your
    city's funds per month. Higher rates might strongly affect
    game balance. The rate of return could be affected by a tax
    rate. High taxes, low stock market performance and vice
    versa. Speaking of which, there isn't a variable tax rate in
    the first place.

  • Pete Shanahan

    Pete Shanahan - 2003-07-08
    • assigned_to: zakarun --> petesh

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