
#14 Some suggestions

Story Mode (4)

Thanks for the options for disasters. I cannot wait
to see it. Here are some other thoughts after playing
for a while:

- Bridges are nice. How about the ability to build
powerlines over water as well?

- Add additional infrastructure including:
1) Shipping Port - increases tax revenue, affect
employment (see below)
2) Airport - increases tax revenue, affect employment
(see below)
3) Sports stadium - increases growth of the
population, increases happiness (see below)
4) Museum - increases growth of the population,
increases happiness (see below)
5) Zoo - increases growth of the population, increases
happiness (see below)
6) University - increases growth of the population,
increases happiness (see below)
7) Observatory
8) Space launch complex
I would suggest that these be rather expensive to
build and maybe affect the risk of some disasters.
For example, Godzilla comes from the sea. Maybe all
of that shipping attracts his attention? Maybe that
firebreathing dragon really likes the large flat, open
expanses of the airport for take-offs and landings!
Maybe the dragon likes to visit the zoo, nothing like
roast elephant! Maybe the observatory and the space
launch complex together decrease the incidence of
meteor strikes (they see it coming and launch a rocket
to deflect the meteor). This could balance the
benefits of building these structures.

- Additional disasters
1) Nuclear plant meltdown - Accompanying fires.
Cannot build residential or commercial in affected
area, only industrial (if you due, nobody moves in due
to radioactivity). It would be nice if the
probability of this increased with some event like
population unhappiness (See below).
2) Earthquake - Could generate a nice crack in the
ground that takes out a bunch of stuff and has to be
filled in by the bulldozer. Maybe accompanying fires.

- Some indicator similar to the budget page that
1) need for residential housing or oversupply
2) need for commercial properties or oversupply
3) need for industrial properties or oversupply.
Currently, you just have to scroll around and see what
is happening.

- Some indicator of popularity/happiness of your
citizens. Maybe a page like the budget page that
1) employment - related to the ratio of residential
versus commercial and industrial properties
2) happiness - related to employment but also
disasters, additional infrastructure such as sports
stadium, number of trees, number of police and fire
stations, etc. If the people are unhappy, then the
population falls and revenues decrease. If the people
are happy, then population increases and revenues
increase. Have a lag between disaster and
unhappiness, that is if you do not repair the damage,
your citizens get pissed and start to leave.


  • Pete Shanahan

    Pete Shanahan - 2003-07-08
    • assigned_to: nobody --> petesh
  • Geordie Millar

    Geordie Millar - 2004-07-08

    Logged In: YES



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