
PNotes.NET and Desktop Coral Don't Play Nice

Jim White
  • Jim White

    Jim White - 2014-07-08

    So, I guess I've been really behind - I didn't know there was a .NET version of PNotes until today! I was excited about some of the new features and got it installed and imported all my notes and settings from PNote.

    Then I ran into an issue... not the developer's fault, but I'm hoping someone can shed some light. I use a program called Desktop Coral ( that creates a "sidebar" similar to older versions of Windows. I like it because I can always have a main note showing from PNotes no matter what I'm doing.

    PNotes worked fine with it, but PNotes.NET no-likey! It will open all my notes in their last position, with the exception of the one in the sidebar Desktop Coral creates. That note will go to the center of the screen when it doesn't know what to do with it.

    I know the problem is specific to Desktop Coral because if I shut that down and then close and open PNotes.NET, everything works just fine. I hate to go back to PNotes because I really like some of the new features of PNotes.NET (like the synchronization ability) so I'm hoping for any suggestions.


    -- Jim

  • oldlamer

    oldlamer - 2014-07-09

    Unfortunately there is nothing to do with third party program right now. Apparently it changes somehow the working area of monitor. May be in future, if I will have time to install it and play with it... Did you try to change "Relational notes positioning"?

  • Jim White

    Jim White - 2014-07-10

    Thanks, oldlamer - I didn't notice that option. I tried it and it was better, but not perfect. When I reopen PNotes.NET, it puts the straggler note right next to the "sidebar" (instead of center screen). For now, I'll just drag it over to the right area every time I log in. Thanks for the info though and offering to toy with it if you get time. And thanks for the awesome program!!

    -- Jim


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