
#45 Pmw 2.0.0 shows misc tests failures


The tests in Pmw 2.0.0 run under python 3.4.3 produces the following errors...

('====', 'function curselection ()')
==== result was:
((0,), <class 'tuple'="">)
---- result should have been:
(('0',), <class 'tuple'="">)

('====', 'function curselection ()')
==== result was:
((5,), <class 'tuple'="">)
---- result should have been:
(('5',), <class 'tuple'="">)

('====', 'function curselection ()')
==== result was:
((0,), <class 'tuple'="">)
---- result should have been:
(('0',), <class 'tuple'="">)

('====', 'function curselection ()')
==== result was:
((5,), <class 'tuple'="">)
---- result should have been:
(('5',), <class 'tuple'="">)


  • Jack Howarth

    Jack Howarth - 2015-03-22

    The tests produce the following failures under python 3.4.3...

    ('====', "Counter option ('entryfield_validate', {'validator': 'date', 'format': 'dmy'})")
    ==== result was:
    ("TypeError: datevalidator() got an unexpected keyword argument 'format'", <class 'str'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ({'validator': 'date', 'format': 'dmy'}, <class 'dict'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', "function setentry ('22/12/1999',)")
    ==== result was:
    (False, <class 'bool'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (1, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function get ()')
    ==== result was:
    ('22/12/1999', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ('01/01/2000', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', "Counter option ('entryfield_validate', {'validator': 'date', 'format': 'dmy'})")
    ==== result was:
    ("TypeError: datevalidator() got an unexpected keyword argument 'format'", <class 'str'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ({'validator': 'date', 'format': 'dmy'}, <class 'dict'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function valid ()')
    ==== result was:
    (True, <class 'bool'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (0, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function decrement ()')
    ==== result was:
    ("TypeError: datevalidator() got an unexpected keyword argument 'format'", <class 'str'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (None, <class 'NoneType'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function get ()')
    ==== result was:
    ('23/12/99', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ('24/12/99', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', "Counter option ('entryfield_validate', {'separator': '-', 'validator': 'date', 'format': 'ymd'})")
    ==== result was:
    ("TypeError: datevalidator() got an unexpected keyword argument 'format'", <class 'str'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ({'separator': '-', 'validator': 'date', 'format': 'ymd'}, <class 'dict'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function valid ()')
    ==== result was:
    (True, <class 'bool'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (0, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function increment ()')
    ==== result was:
    ("TypeError: datevalidator() got an unexpected keyword argument 'format'", <class 'str'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (None, <class 'NoneType'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function get ()')
    ==== result was:
    ('2000-01-11', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ('2000-01-01', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- FAILED

  • Jack Howarth

    Jack Howarth - 2015-03-22

    The tests under python 3.4.3 fail with the error...

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 1, in <module>
    NameError: name 'Non' is not defined

  • Jack Howarth

    Jack Howarth - 2015-03-22

    The tests under python 3.4.3 fails with the error...

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 19, in <module>
    script_name = imp.find_module(name)[1]
    File "/sw/lib/python3.4/", line 297, in find_module
    raise ImportError(_ERR_MSG.format(name), name=name)
    ImportError: No module named 'main'

  • Jack Howarth

    Jack Howarth - 2015-03-22

    The tests under python 3.4.3 fail with the errors...

    ('====', 'function num_options (<tkinter.Button object="" at="" 0x1104e2160="">,)')
    ==== result was:
    (35, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (31, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function invoke ()')
    ==== result was:
    (1, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ('1', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function num_options (<tkinter.Canvas object="" at="" 0x1104e2ac8="">,)')
    ==== result was:
    (29, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (27, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', "function tag_bind ('circle', '<1>', <function callback="" at="" 0x1104bf1e0="">)")
    ==== result was:
    ('4557775432callback', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (None, <class 'NoneType'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', "function tag_bind ('circle',)")
    ==== result was:
    (('<Button-1>',), <class 'tuple'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ('<Button-1>', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function num_options (<tkinter.Checkbutton object="" at="" 0x1104e2ba8="">,)')
    ==== result was:
    (41, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (36, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function invoke ()')
    ==== result was:
    (1, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ('1', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function num_options (<tkinter.Entry object="" at="" 0x1104e2940="">,)')
    ==== result was:
    (36, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (28, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'type', 'widget', "'colormap'", 'option')
    ---- could not set option
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'type', 'widget', "'visual'", 'option')
    ---- could not set option
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function num_options (<tkinter.Frame object="" at="" 0x1104e2a58="">,)')
    ==== result was:
    (18, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (16, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function num_options (<tkinter.Label object="" at="" 0x1104e26a0="">,)')
    ==== result was:
    (30, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (25, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function num_options (<tkinter.Listbox object="" at="" 0x1104e2a58="">,)')
    ==== result was:
    (27, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (23, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function curselection ()')
    ==== result was:
    ((2, 3), <class 'tuple'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (('2', '3'), <class 'tuple'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', "Menu option ('background', 'lightsteelblue1')")
    ==== result was:
    (<border object:="" 'lightsteelblue1'="">, <class '_tkinter.Tcl_Obj'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ('lightsteelblue1', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', "Menu option ('foreground', 'seagreen4')")
    ==== result was:
    (<color object:="" 'seagreen4'="">, <class '_tkinter.Tcl_Obj'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ('seagreen4', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', "function entrycget ('Hello World', 'background')")
    ==== result was:
    (<border object:="" 'aliceblue'="">, <class '_tkinter.Tcl_Obj'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ('aliceblue', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', "function invoke ('Niceness',)")
    ==== result was:
    (1, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ('1', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', "function yposition ('Hello World',)")
    ==== result was:
    (1, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (2, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function num_options (<tkinter.Menubutton object="" at="" 0x1104e2320="">,)')
    ==== result was:
    (33, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (32, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function num_options (<tkinter.Radiobutton object="" at="" 0x1104e28d0="">,)')
    ==== result was:
    (40, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (35, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function invoke ()')
    ==== result was:
    (1, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ('1', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', "Scale option ('variable', <tkinter.DoubleVar object="" at="" 0x10fc8f780="">)")
    ==== result was:
    (<parsedVarName object:="" 'PY_VAR1'="">, <class '_tkinter.Tcl_Obj'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (<tkinter.DoubleVar object="" at="" 0x10fc8f780="">, <class 'tkinter.DoubleVar'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function get (123,)')
    ==== result was:
    ('TypeError: get() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ('TypeError: too many arguments; expected 1, got 2', <class 'str'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function num_options (<tkinter.Text object="" at="" 0x1104e2d68="">,)')
    ==== result was:
    (44, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (35, <class 'int'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function mark_names ()')
    ==== result was:
    (('insert', 'current', 'my_mark'), <class 'tuple'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (('my_mark', 'insert', 'current'), <class 'tuple'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', "function tag_ranges ('green',)")
    ==== result was:
    ((<textindex object:="" '1.0'="">, <textindex object:="" '1.4'="">, <textindex object:="" '2.0'="">, <textindex object:="" '2.30'="">), <class 'tuple'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (('1.0', '1.4', '2.0', '2.30'), <class 'tuple'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', "function tag_ranges ('green',)")
    ==== result was:
    ((<textindex object:="" '2.0'="">, <textindex object:="" '2.30'="">), <class 'tuple'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    (('2.0', '2.30'), <class 'tuple'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'type', 'widget', "'colormap'", 'option')
    ---- could not set option
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'type', 'widget', "'visual'", 'option')
    ---- could not set option
    ---- FAILED

    ('====', 'function grid_columnconfigure (0,)')
    ==== result was:
    ({'uniform': None, 'weight': 1, 'pad': 25, 'minsize': 100}, <class 'dict'="">)
    ---- result should have been:
    ({'weight': 1, 'pad': 25, 'minsize': 100}, <class 'dict'="">)
    ---- FAILED

    TypeError Exception in Tk callback
    Function: <function Misc.after.<locals="">.callit at 0x1104df840> (type: <class 'function'="">)
    Args: ()
    Traceback (innermost last):
    File "/sw/lib/python3.4/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/lib/", line 1760, in call
    return self.func(args)
    File "/sw/lib/python3.4/tkinter/", line 582, in callit
    File "/sw/lib/python3.4/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/tests/", line 483, in _runTest
    _methodTest(w, methodTestData)
    File "/sw/lib/python3.4/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/tests/", line 563, in _methodTest
    _print_results(result, expected, name)
    File "/sw/lib/python3.4/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/tests/", line 198, in _print_results
    ok = (int(result) == expected)
    TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'NoneType'

  • Adrian

    Adrian - 2015-03-22

    These seem to be side-effects of the switch to Tkinter 8.6 made in Python 3.4; I'll adapt the tests to use the correct values according to the Tkinter version since adapting Pmw to generate 8.5-compatible values seems to require a lot of code rewrite.

  • Adrian

    Adrian - 2015-03-22

    Tkinter_test is very old and is skipped by default in; the comments inside it claim it's been disabled since the time of Win '95 so I'll postpone fixing it.

    Manual tests suffered a porting error from 2 to 3, its contents went missing. should be imported and not called directly; it works in that scenario; I don't fully understand why it broke after Python 3.2 but it's not vital.

    Counter & ComboBox tests should now be functional.

    All changes committed to:

  • Adrian

    Adrian - 2015-03-22

    Fixed in 2.0.1-alpha

  • Adrian

    Adrian - 2015-03-22
    • status: open --> open-fixed
    • Group: -->

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