
PMtool / News: Recent posts

1.2.3-beta released

We began cleaning up/refactoring the codebase. Fixed a few annoyances and added a new translation for Portuguese/Brazilian (thanks to Conesteel - Vitor <>).

See ChangeLog and CVS for more information.

Thanks to Chris for his great work on helping me with this!

Posted by Robby Russell 2005-02-25

New developer, Chris Wade

PMtool is finally getting some long-awaited bug fixes and updates. Chris and Robby are working on some of the bugs in the bug tracker and are keeping CVS updated. Please feel free to check out from CVS and test the changes that are being made. We are looking to lock down some of the last bugs and Robby will begin working on pmtool 2.0 with a template engine (most likely Smarty) and will support PostgreSQL, MySQL and any other databases that people want to help port PMtool to.

Posted by Robby Russell 2005-02-20

New Project Maintainer

Olaf has decided to hand over PMtool to Robby Russell of PLANET ARGON as the project maintainer..

First item on the list for changes, is a seamless port to PostgreSQL on the next release of Pmtool. :-)

Start submitting your bugs and feature requests soon!

Posted by Robby Russell 2004-06-23

Server back again

the pmtool webpages are back again on a new server

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2004-04-17

Server hacked

my webserver ( and was hacked last week. The new server will be available within the next 7 days.

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2004-04-09

pmtool 1.2.2

- added french language support
--==[ Many Thanks to Marc Morissette! ]==--
- added the ability to configure the behavior for which kind
of tasks the customer has to pay for
- added project priorities

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2004-03-23

pmtool 1.2.1

- added czech and spanish language support
--==[ Many Thanks to Tom Z. Meinlschmidt and Benjamin Sywulka! ]==--
- added consecutive ID to reports
this is needed for bills in germany (as "Rechnungsnummer")

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2004-02-17

pmtool 1.2

new project status plugin
--==[ Many Thanks to Max Nitri! ]==--
added swedish language and completed the i18n support
--==[ Many Thanks to Kjell_inge Gustafson!]==--

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2003-11-18

pmtool 1.1d

added italian language file, thanks to Max Nitri

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2003-10-07

pmtool 1.1c

the new release contains a lot of fixes according to GET_ and POST-data (cross site scripting)

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2003-09-27

pmtool 1.1b

- added a lot of sql indexes for performance reasons
- fixedprice-tasks without jobs can be reported now

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2003-08-26

pmtool 1.1a

1) version 1.1a is available. Changes: replaced all short open tags "<?" with "<?php". Thanks to Arne Kepp who made this!

2) pmtool reimported into sourceforge CVS

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2003-07-29

demo available!

please check to check out the online demo of pmtool!

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2003-04-18

pmtool 1.1

fixed some bugs in the current release. (language stuff and SQL-scripts)

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2003-04-18

pmtool 1.1-testing

new: attachments for tasks, task dependencies, support for plugins (some sample plugins included),
multilanguage support (incomplete), some new fields in tasks, bugfixes in session handling, a lot more ;)

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2002-11-07

pmtool 1.0.1

+ new: some new tags in reports
see templates/report/bill/syntax.xml for details
+ bug: security bugfix in index.php (include())
+ new: rounding of used time implemented

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2001-12-11

pmtool 1.0

new: completly redesigned the whole application encapsulated all functions in classes

new: ability to generate reports in XML format
new: ACLs, you can create/change groups, put users into and assign rights to the groups You are able to control the access for every function call!
new: customer logins
new: ability to set costs per hour for users AND projects. if both ist set, the project costs will be used.
new: requests (most usefull for customers) users are able to post requests. the project manager will be informed by email and is able to assign this request to one of his developers. the request will then switched into a task
new: database logging
... laberlaber ... foobar ... many other things ;)

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2001-12-05

pmtool v0.9.6

bux fixed in sql_create.sql -> comma forgotten :(

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2001-10-01

pmtool v0.9.6

new: new design
new: db functions in class style

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2001-08-24

pmtool v 0.9.5

+ new: only users with admin access are now allowed to change user records.
All other users may only change their own password

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2001-08-15

pmtool v0.9.4a

2001-08-05: v0.9.4a
+ bugfix: default start time on report
page was calculated wrong

2001-07-28: v0.9.4
+ bugfix: session_start in index.php
+ bugfix: forward url in logout.php
Thanks to Thomas Kho again ;)
+ new : new page "reports" to create a list
of your jobs for the last days. Good
for creating status reports for your
project manager ;)

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2001-08-05

pmtool v0.9.3

new: support for creating excel-sheets on the
fly (in stats page) requires the PERL-Modul
See README for further details
new: you can sort all pages by clicking the
table header, a click again reverts the order
new: taskbar utility - this is a VERY usefull
tool for windows users for inclusion in your
new: extended structure of table "user"
Now it's possible to authenticate users by their

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2001-07-19

V 0.9.2

+ bugfix: stripped the newline
at the end of all files in "inc"
+ change: better logout.php ;)
+ bugfix: fixes in get_time()
and db_selectbox()
+ bugfix: s/\n\r/\n/sg :o)
Thanx to Thomas Kho for these notes

Posted by Olaf Willuhn 2001-07-14