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Showing results of 228

# Summary Status Owner
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Priority Type Votes
1038 CPD Webstart link is broken / CPD Webstart is missing completely accepted Andreas Dangel Dale King 2012-11-08 2014-02-09 PMD PMD-Backlog 3-Major Bug 0  
1024 DFA analysis open Ryan Gustafson Anonymous 2012-08-29 2016-12-18 PMD PMD-Backlog 1-Blocker Bug 1  
969 Asserts are not found in other methods open Tom Copeland Anonymous 2011-06-08 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
966 Ruleset name doesn't get updated when import ruleset by copy open Amit Arora 2011-04-18 2013-03-16 Eclipse Eclipse-Plugin 3-Major Bug 0  
965 Copying ruleset.xml in workspace does not update the Rule open Amit Arora 2011-04-11 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
964 Deletion of Rule shows the Deleted Rule violation in report open Amit Arora 2011-04-09 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
963 Example is not updated properly while clicking Edit Rule open Amit Arora 2011-04-09 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
961 Embedded rules are not loaded open Tom Copeland Floris Ouwendijk 2011-03-05 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
955 MissingStaticMethodInNonInstantiatableClass static innerclas open Tom Copeland Roman Muntyanu 2010-11-17 2017-08-04 None None 5 None 1  
954 ControversialRulesAvoidFinalLocalVariable conditional init open Tom Copeland Roman Muntyanu 2010-11-17 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
952 Strange warnings for every file parsed open Anonymous 2010-11-11 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
949 False positive from TestClassWithoutTestCases open Tom Copeland Anonymous 2010-11-02 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
948 Stackoverflow when opening preference page open eldonjordi 2010-10-18 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
941 missing violation: CompareObjectsWithEquals open Tom Copeland Stefan Bohn 2010-09-03 2014-12-16 None None 5 None 0  
934 Installation of pmd-eclipse v3.2.6 locally is not working open savitha c 2010-07-02 2013-03-01 None Eclipse-Plugin 5 None 0  
930 false positive in JUnit4TestShouldUseBeforeAnnotation open Tom Copeland Egon Willighagen 2010-06-17 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
928 False-positive with BrokenNullCheck open Tom Copeland Anonymous 2010-06-16 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
927 DoubleCheckedLocking (and other rules) when using this. open BlueDevilDan 2010-06-15 2014-08-22 None None 5 None 0  
926 ImmutableField gives false+ for fields in inner classes open Tom Copeland Yiannis Paschalidis 2010-06-03 2014-09-04 None None 5 None 0  
925 UnusedImports does not consider use in annocations open Tom Copeland BlueDevilDan 2010-05-21 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
924 LocalVariableCouldBeFinal and MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal sho open Tom Copeland Cherri 2010-05-20 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
923 UnusedFormalParameter honor compiler @SuppressWarnings open Tom Copeland BlueDevilDan 2010-05-19 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
922 Parsing error due to double semiclolon open Tom Copeland sera 2010-05-14 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
921 False Positive AbstractClassWithoutAnyMethod Rule open Tom Copeland Peter Kofler 2010-05-10 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
920 Large c++ header file makes cpd hang open Tom Copeland Nikolay Mitev 2010-04-30 2012-10-07 None None 5 None 0  
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