
Uploaded package body all in one line

  • joe

    joe - 2005-11-14

    I use Eclipse 3.1 on a Windows XP Client and a Oracle 9i DB on a Linux Server.
    After I loaded a package body to the DB, the package is stored in a single line in the DB.
    This looks awful and makes it nearly impossible to find compilation errors.
    Is this a bug or have I to do additional settings?


    • Toby Zines

      Toby Zines - 2005-11-14

      Hi Joe,
      yes, there is a problem that I can't get the jdbc driver to accept multi line uploads, so by default the config is pushed in as one line.

      The fix for this is to turn on the the sqlplus executable (in the main properties). This causes a java Process to be started that internally executes the sqlplus executable to upload the config. This results in the correct line numbers.
      However, for some reason the latest version of this has a 50% failure rate on my PC and several other people's pcs, causing eclipse to lock up. I have not examined it too closely because I have received no complaints (most likely because noone is using this feature).
      If it doesn't work for you, respond to this thread. I will put it on the roadmap of things to update (and mark it as a bug).

      On a side note...
      ! If anyone knows how to get jdbc to accept multi line statements, please tell me how, because this would resolve the standard upload mechanism !

    • Toby Zines

      Toby Zines - 2005-11-14

      forgot to mention that you have to specify the location of the sqlplus client executable, and then you have to check the check box "Use Local Oracle Client".
      These are not found in the properties.
      They are found in the Preferences under Database Connectivity.

    • joe

      joe - 2005-11-16

      Hi Toby,

      It doesn't work.

      I tried it with your "fake" example.
      Uploading with jdbc worked.
      After switching to sqlplus connection, I get some seconds after selecting "Load to Database" the message "There are errors in the file." from your editor.
      There are no error marks in the editor, and nothing is changed in the database.
      For finding problems regarding the data connection, it would be fine to get more special error messages...
      Maybe the service name is wrong. How do you get the service name for sqlplus?


    • Toby Zines

      Toby Zines - 2005-11-16

      Hi Joe,
      the "errors in your file" with no error marks happens when the connection can't be made or the sqlplus process can't be started. Usually it is because there is no password specified for the schema that your package is in. You can check which schema the editor thinks your package is in by pressing the debug info button in the toolbar.
      I will be trying to address the jdbc issue as soon as possible.

    • joe

      joe - 2006-01-13

      Hi Toby,

      Load to Data Base with sql+ still does not work. But I get an error message:

      Failed to execute sqlplus for package s157_pa_lips: plsqleditor.process.CannotCompleteException: Exec failed for system call 'D:\oracle\ora92\bin\sqlplus.exe s157/s157@MISTDEV'.

      If I enter "D:\oracle\ora92\bin\sqlplus.exe s157/s157@MISTDEV" at the DOS prompt, sql+ connects correctly.

      The upload is ok, if I use the jdbc client, so the schema setting should be ok.

      What can be the cause for this error?

      It is very important for us, to get the code directly to the database in several lines. At the moment we copy the code manually to another tool...

    • Toby Zines

      Toby Zines - 2006-01-15

      Hi Joe,
      I assigned this to someone who was very keen to work on the project some time ago (and is a good developer).
      He has been busy, however, I will check on his progress, and if he has not finished, I will take it over, as this is the project's highest priority at the moment.

    • Toby Zines

      Toby Zines - 2006-01-18

      Hi Joe,
      I have fixed the standard jdbc load to database.
      The sqlplus client is still not fixed though.
      Give it a go.


    • joe

      joe - 2006-01-23

      Hi Toby,

      The JDBC uploads works now fine.
      I won't need the sqlplus client now.



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