

Silas Parker

Building From Source

PloneSearch should build on anything which supports Qt 4.7 or above.

Linux - Fedora

Install the development tools for Qt by running the following as root:

yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum install qt qt-devel qtwebkit qtwebkit-devel

As a standard user, download or checkout the source code by running:

svn checkout svn:// plonesearch

This will checkout the source code into a directory named plonesearch in your current working directory.

Build the code by running qmake and make as follows:

cd plonesearch/build
qmake-qt4 CONFIG+=release ../source

If this worked correctly you can now start it by running:


Windows - Visual Studio 2010

Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 C++ (Express or Professional).
Express is available from

Install Qt 4.8 for Windows (VS 2010) from

To checkout from SVN install TortoiseSVN from

Either download a source zip file, or checkout from the SVN repository:


Start the Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) and cd into the build sub-directory.

Build the code by running qmake and nmake as follows, from within the build directory:

set PATH=C:\Qt\4.8.4\bin;%PATH%
qmake CONFIG+=release ..\source

Note: You may need to adjust the path to Qt in the above set PATH line to point to where you installed Qt.

If the build worked correctly you can now start it by running:



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