
Plandora Project Management / News: Recent posts

Plandora Project Management 1.5.0 released

The new version of Plandora was released. But because there are some issues into sourceforge file manager feature, the new installation package is hosted at When the bug of
sourceforge was fixed, the download will be able in both sources.
Thank you!

Posted by Alberto Pereto 2009-07-31

Plandora Project Management new version

Plandora Project Management has released a new version. You can download it from by following
Check the news into the project website

Posted by Alberto Pereto 2008-12-30

New release of Plandora Project Management tool

The new version of Plandora is available.
More project management facilities was implemented in this version.
See more details at

Posted by Alberto Pereto 2008-10-18

Plandora new version released (v1.1.0)

The new version of Plandora is available.
More reports, knowledge base and project facilities was implemented in this version.
See more details at

Posted by Alberto Pereto 2008-04-15

New DEMO presentation in Plandora Project

A new presentation is now available into Plandora web site. This Demo teach how to use or customize Reports for a project controlled by Plandora. It is particullary usefull for many projects to manage the own reports and Plandora on version 1.0.0 is able to give this facility.

Posted by Alberto Pereto 2008-01-10

Plandora new Version released - v1.0.0

The new version of Plandora was released. Plandora is a tool for project, requirement and task management.
Check the news about the tool accessing the project web-site:

See you!

Posted by Alberto Pereto 2007-12-26

PLANdora Demo available!

The PLANdora team are pleased to present a number of demos about the main features of tool.

Posted by Alberto Pereto 2007-09-20

New PLANdora web site

The new PLANdora web site was relesed.
PLANdora is a tool to manage projects and control requirements and tasks.

Posted by Alberto Pereto 2006-07-29

PLANdora new Version released - v0.9.1

The PLANdora version was released. See bellow the main feature/bugs fixed of this new version:

=> bug fix
- Requirement form validation method. Problem with null pointer after 'self-requeriment' without a suggested date.
- Forms of 'All requeriments' and 'All Tasks' displaying resources/customers wronglly
- If allocation form, the resource combo was displaying the user of current project and (wronglly) the child projects.
- Some messages/labels of table taglib weren't in i18N.
- After task closing they still had been displayed into main form (even the task had been closed more than 1 week).... read more

Posted by Alberto Pereto 2006-06-14

New PLANdora version (0.8.9) released!

The new PLANdora version 0.8.9 was released and is avaialable for download.

A verso 0.8.9 da ferramenta PLANdora est disponvel para download.

Posted by Alberto Pereto 2005-08-02

PLANdora Project Management - NEW VERSION

Liberada nova verso do software PLANdora.
New release of PLANdora Project Management.
Download It!

Posted by Alberto Pereto 2005-06-21

Verso alpha liberada!! - Alpha Version Released!!

Foi disponibilizado nesta semana a verso Alpha do PLANdora que cobre cerca de 30% dos requisitos planejados inicialmente. Embora seja um nmero que esteja aqum da meta, esta verso inclui uma srie de outras funcionalidades que foram acrescentadas out-requeriment, mas que foram consideradas importantes durante a utilizao por parte da empresa que est auxiliando na maturao da ferramenta..

Posted by Alberto Pereto 2005-05-18

Pagina do projeto Disponvel - (Web-Page Available!!! )

Na semana passada (09/02/2005) a pagina do projeto foi disponibilizada no endereo

Posted by Alberto Pereto 2005-02-14