
pkgbuild 1.3.98 release

This release supports both SVr4 and IPS.

Version 1.3.98:

Bugs fixed:

\- legacy actions are now added to IPS manifests, so pkginfo
  recognises that the packages are installed.
\- handle errors running pkg\(1\)
\- fix detecting whether the user has permission to install packages

- Requires: /path/to/file now works for IPS packages as well,
detects if the file was installed with IPS or pkgadd and
adds the matching dependency
- use wget option to disable checking ssl certs so that automatic
download of https works (--sslcheckcert=0 or --no-check-certificate
depending on the wget version), reported by Ghee Teo

New features:

\- IPS packages are automatically published in the local repository,

if svc:/application/pkg/server:default is online (no need to
use the --ips option)
- the PKGBUILD_IPS_SERVER environment variable can be used to
select a different repository
- IPS dependencies are determined from the SVr4 package names
by translating the legacy actions to IPS FMRIs. This means
that spec files can continue to use SVr4 package names in the
Requires/BuildRequires lines and pkgbuild will convert them
to IPS dependencies on the fly when publishing to IPS.
- add metadata to IPS manifests according to the latest guidelines
- the new Meta tag can be used to define additional IPS meta data.
- spectool has a new get_meta mode for querying Meta tags.
spectool get_meta foo.spec
- new options for spectool get_used_spec_files: -l prints the
labels of the sub-spec files, e.g.
spectool get_used_spec_files -l SUNWgnome-base-libs.spec
pango = /path/to/pango.spec
- Packages not defined with %package -n are considered
"subpackages" and are merged in the main IPS package and
tagged with the suffix. Packages defined with %package -n
become separate IPS packages. Example:

      Name: foo
      SUNW\_Pkg: SFEfoo
      Version ...
      %package devel
      %package -n bar
      SUNW\_Pkg: SFEbar

  This creates 3 SVr4 packages: SFEfoo, SFEfoo-devel and SFEbar
  and 2 IPS packages: foo and bar. \("devel" files in foo are

tagged with "devel=true")
- IPS packages are automatically installed in "build" mode
- IPS package versioning now conforms to pkg(5), new tags have
been added for controlling elements of the version string:
IPS_component_version (defaults to %version)
IPS_build_version (defaults to `uname -r`)
IPS_vendor_version (defaults to "0." + Solaris build number)
- new --update option of pkgtool (and corresponding update_if_newer
.pkgtoolrc setting) makes pkgtool rebuild and update packages
if the version in the spec file is newer than the installed version
(the Version tag is compared with the pkginfo (legacy) version)
- new mode: publish-pkgs publishes the previously built package
to an IPS repository. Obviously, only works in ips mode.

Posted by Laszlo (Laca) Peter 2009-02-22

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