
Pixie 2.0.2 is out

Pixie 2.0.2 has been release. The changes are:

* 64Bit clean codebase. The Pixie source should
compile cleanly on 64Bit platforms. Please let
us know if you have any issues with this. Note:
you'll need libtiff (and X11 on linux / OSX) to be
compiled in 64Bit mode too.

* Fixed issues with dissapearing subdiv geometry when raytracing
* Fixed issues with speckled irradiance / occlusion data when using
the "R" mode

* Reduced raytrace memory overhead

* Support for vector/color/point/normal subscripting shorthand in SL
v[n] = x => setcomp(v,n,x)
x = v[n] => x = comp(v,n)

Posted by George Harker 2007-02-20

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