
Pixie 1.1.4 is released

Pixie 1.1.4 is released. The new features / fixes included in this version are:

- Curves:
Pixie now supports RiCurves (cubic only). Linear curves are coming in the next release
- Subdivision Surfaces:
Are now much more robust and correct. Pixie now correctly interprets "interpolateboundary" and "crease" tags and uses much less memory and renders much faster.
- Object instancing
You can now instanciate procedural primitives and also instanciate objects in ObjectBegin / ObjectEnd block.
- The scan-line renderer (hidden / stochastic) is much faster and renderes scenes with lots of transparency layers faster.
- Procedural primitives now work

As I mentioned before, I'm always looking for help in bug tracking / example scene design / portability issues etc.. If you're interested in helping Pixie, let me know.


Posted by Okan Arikan 2003-06-14

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