
Photon shadingmodels: interior VS exterior

  • Aron Gombas

    Aron Gombas - 2004-10-13

    Hi All!

    I played a bit with shadingmodels in an interior scene. See my test-images at

    Basically I changed the shadingmodel of the window-glass polygons:
    - matte: no photons inside -> seems OK
    - glass, water: some photons inside -> seems OK
    - transparent: no photons inside -> bug?

    My other question: why are the photon-maps this coarse inside, while using the same no of photon for an outside scene I got much more "dense" photonmaps? The only difference, that the interior scenes are closed geometries, only the window polygons have the photon-model shown above.


    • Aron Gombas

      Aron Gombas - 2004-10-13

      Sorry, a type-o again, the correct URL is:

    • Aron Gombas

      Aron Gombas - 2004-10-13

      I'm not sure if it's related here, but using occlusion() I got almost completely black ambient occlusion for an inside scene:!Interior-occ_100K.png

      The funny is that outside, the eaves looks correct.

      • Okan Arikan

        Okan Arikan - 2004-10-13

           Hi Aron,

           The "occlusion" function does not execute the surface shaders and does not check the surface opacity either where the rays hit. I can check for opacity if it is what PrMan does.



    • Okan Arikan

      Okan Arikan - 2004-10-13

         Hi Aron,

         While tracing the photons, the surface opacity is not checked. If you want a surface to be transparent to the photons, you need to mark them as

         Attribute "photon" "shadingmodel" "transparent"


    • Aron Gombas

      Aron Gombas - 2004-10-13

      > Attribute "photon" "shadingmodel" "transparent"
      This is exactly what I did, but it seems photons can go through those polygons...
      The photon-maps are all-black, and if I use a single occlusion(), I get a completely black image.

      That's why I wrote above:
      > - transparent: no photons inside -> bug?


    • Aron Gombas

      Aron Gombas - 2004-10-14

      Sorry, my previous makes no sense at all, what I wanted to write is:

      > This is exactly what I did, but it seems photons can NOT go through those polygons...




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