
'too many eye splits' on a simple polygon

  • Richard Layman

    Richard Layman - 2009-05-02

    I keep getting this error:

    ./eye_split.rib (18): Too many eye splits for primitive "(null)"
    ./eye_split.rib (18): Too many eye splits for primitive "(null)"
    ./eye_split.rib (18): Too many eye splits for primitive "(null)"
    ./eye_split.rib (18): Too many eye splits for primitive "(null)"
    ./eye_split.rib (18): Too many eye splits for primitive "(null)"
    ./eye_split.rib (18): Too many eye splits for primitive "(null)"
    ./eye_split.rib (18): Too many eye splits for primitive "(null)"
    ./eye_split.rib (18): Too many eye splits for primitive "(null)"
    ./eye_split.rib (18): Too many eye splits for primitive "(null)"
    ./eye_split.rib (18): Too many eye splits for primitive "(null)"
    ./eye_split.rib (18): Too many eye splits for primitive "(null)"
    ./eye_split.rib (18): Too many eye splits for primitive "(null)"
    ./eye_split.rib (18): Too many eye splits for primitive "(null)"
    ./eye_split.rib (18): Too many eye splits for primitive "(null)"
    ./eye_split.rib (18): Too many eye splits for primitive "(null)"

    on this rib:

    Hider "hidden"  "jitter" [1.4013e-045 ]
    PixelSamples 3 3
    ShadingRate 1
    PixelFilter "catmull-rom" 3 3
    ShadingInterpolation "smooth"
    Quantize "rgba" 255 0 255 0.5
    Display "eye split" "framebuffer" "rgb"
    Format 500 250 1
    Projection "perspective" "fov" 65.2384872437
    Transform [0.499573409557 -7.45058059692e-09 0.866271495819 0.0 -0.866271555424 -6.33299350739e-08 0.499573409557 0.0 -4.33144755618e-08 1.0 4.37113882867e-08 0.0 0.831939041615 -0.193716943264 2.38062286377 1.0 ]

            LightSource "pointlight" 1 "intensity" 450 "from" [0 -10 10]
            Polygon "P" [100 100 0 100 -100 0 -100 -100 0 -100 100 0]

    Also, the polygon seems to have missing areas at the bottom close to the camera (render rib to see what I'm talking about). This error goes away when I move the polygon a little further from the camera, so the only thing I can think of is that the Polygon is too big for the camera being so close. If I reduce the polygon by 10, there is no errors. I'm thinking this may not be a bug and something subdividing the polygon would fix. So my question would be - is this normal and something that should planed for, or is this something Pixie should catch?

    • Eric Hochhalter

      Eric Hochhalter - 2009-05-02

      Eye splits is an expected issue when using a REYES-style RenderMan Specification renderer such as Pixie. It's best to plan around it by using a generous near clipping plane or pushing geometry away from the camera as appropriate.

      I think there are some other tricks that help, but I would have to look them up in my files, which are not handy...

      Good luck!

    • Richard Layman

      Richard Layman - 2009-05-02

      Thanks for the reply Eric,
      thants what I was thinking, but I just wanted to make sure I was right. Now that I know, I can work around it.


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