
CPatch' methods diceStats ?

  • Dao Hung Huynh

    Dao Hung Huynh - 2005-01-27

    Before you are going to release the next version soon ;)
    I would like pointing some code errors out,

    In the file surface.cpp, the uMax and vMax variables of the method diceStats (line 557) seem always being equal to 0 (line 564). Should the assignments
    on line 577
    if (l > uMax)    l    =    uMax;
    and line 591
    if (l > vMax)    l    =    vMax;
    be inversed ?

    The variables numU and numV on line 479 are not initialized before being incremented later in the method.

    • George Harker

      George Harker - 2005-01-27

      Hi Dao Hung,

      This is Okan's new dicing code - which currently isn't enabled.

      I've added comments to the code for Okan to have a look at it (I think you might be right).

      Is there a specific issue you're having?



    • Dao Hung Huynh

      Dao Hung Huynh - 2005-01-31

      I had come across this source while compiling files for the first time, though I stopped to build Pixie from source codes after some compiler's crashes (using VS2003 compiler) because my machine is so old (with max. 256Mb) that it can't handle some sources.

      • George Harker

        George Harker - 2005-01-31

        Ah Ok.

        Thanks for the report anyway...

        I'm guessing it's execute.cpp which bombs out the compiler?  It is huge, but very hard to split up, and is basically the core of the shading language interpretter / virtual machine.




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