
Pixie 1.4.2 is out

  • Okan Arikan

    Okan Arikan - 2005-06-07

        Pixie 1.4.2 is out. This version fixes some of the bugs that have been reported since the last update and also incorporates the "motionfactor" that adjusts the shading rate as a function of the blur on the moving objects.

        Special thanks go to George for his incredible help and contribution to Pixie.


    • Joseph Montanez

      Joseph Montanez - 2005-06-08

      Aww no release notes on what bugs where smashed? None of the less awsome to see a release ^_-, thank you Okan and George

    • Benjamin Tolputt

      Excellent - I have been awaiting this release for a month or so now.

      Great to see progress being made.


    • Speedator

      Speedator - 2005-07-10

      You should make a news-section on your homepage.

    • George Harker

      George Harker - 2005-07-12

      It is possible to subscribe to the sourceforge notifications for a new Pixie release.  That way, you'll always be informed when there's a release - whether you remember to check the site or not.

      Release notes / changes are available by clicking on the release in the downloads section (title, not a specific package).




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