
GNU Pipo-BBS Verson 2 / News: Recent posts

About GNU Pipo-BBS Version 2

Pipo-BBS (version 2) is a complete rewrite of GNU Pipo-BBS to be more
efficient, more featureful, more portable, more extensible, and more
grokable for future hackers. Details about the original GNU Pipo-BBS can
be found at:

The new source code is not derived from the previous version, but the
experience and interest of current Pipo-BBS users is considered. The
users of The Atlantis BBS ( ), who have
been the stewards of the code of Pipo-BBS, have been contacted by me prior
to starting this effort and were enthusiastic about the rewrite. They
have created a forum for discussion of the rewrite at their board (
telnet:// ).... read more

Posted by Dominic 2004-02-20

(FIRST RELEASE) 2.0-alpha-1 Released

Hello. I've completed the first alpha version of the new Pipo-BBS and made it
available for download.

In order to build it, you will need a C compiler (expects [MinGW] GCC at this point), python and java (you can use a recent
version of gcj (GCC's java); just modify the java_command variable in
to use 'gcj -C'). To make it, simply do 'python'. This builds all
of the source and wraps it into a self extracting bzip2 archive called
'installer' or 'installer.exe'.... read more

Posted by Dominic 2004-02-20