
ABC keeps stalling

Jeff H
  • Jeff H

    Jeff H - 2008-02-11

    Since installing a new firewall (Comodo), which I will not even consider removing so don't suggest I do so, ABC has been stalling out randomly. After anywhere from a few seconds to an hour or so, all the torrents simply stop downloading anything, with the "DL Speed" and "UL Speed" freezing in place. (Note: This includes the DL and UL stats at the bottom of the screen. Previous times ABC has stalled out on me, these numbers would go to zero.) If I check it in task manager, CPU usage will typically be over 90%. Stopping and resuming a single torrent will typically get everything working normally again, but not always.

    I have seen a fair amount of strange behaviour by ABC but this specific problem is new. I never encountered it until less than 48 hours ago, now it is constant. I can't run ABC for more than an hour or so, and usually only a few minutes, without this happening. I used to be able to fairly reliably run it overnight without any problems.

    • Rooshk

      Rooshk - 2008-05-07

      I'm having the same problem ... only its been happening since I updated my Anti Virus software to the latest version. I've tried setting the AV to stop blocking ABC but there is knowhere to do that option so I've emailed the support centre with the issue. Even tried turning my AV off completely & ABC still stalls ! ..... Come on people, help us out !


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