
New ABC Maintainer / New Versions

  • afterlight

    afterlight - 2007-08-24

    Greetings all,

    The ABC BitTorrent client has not been updated since February 2005 and so, lags behind the newer clients significantly in features.  It's still, however, one of the easiest to use and stable clients out there.

    Is anyone interested in becoming a maintainer or developer for ABC, to bring it up to speed?  I don't have any programming skills myself (but I do know the difference between good and bad software) so I can't.  We can see from the forum here that ABC is still being used and there is still interest in it.

    I think ABC's minimal, non-intrusive design should be kept, if the someone decides to revive the project.  It shouldn't become "bloated-up".  It's nice icon set and advanced options should also be left as is.

    Features I'd like to see added are:

    - An IP filter which works by a plaintext blocking list, akin to %appdata%\utorrent\ipfilter.dat as used by uTorrent
    - A preview function for music, video and archives such as RAR, ZIP and ISO where possible.

    And that's about it really!  But it would be good to have new releases coming to iron out bugs and keep up with the changing needs of BT users..

    • DeathfireD

      DeathfireD - 2007-08-27

      I agree, I would like to see someone start working on ABC again. Id also like to see some of the crash bugs get fixed. For some reason when speeds reach higher then(or around) 300kb/sec when viewing ips or changing priority settings, sometimes the client crashes.

      - add in a scheduler download option so we can allow the client to download for so long then auto close it down completely (for people that cant download all night).
      - add in all the latest core features all the other clients have that are missing or incomplete.

      • kratoak5

        kratoak5 - 2007-08-27

        You have all this in ABC_OKC, and much much more...

    • roee88

      roee88 - 2007-08-30

      >>> The ABC BitTorrent client has not been updated since February 2005
      - The latest test version is from 21-Aug-2006.
      - 6 months ago pwipwi (former linux developer of ABC) set up CVS for ABC, but there was no activity there since then.
      - ABC_OKC & LH-ABC are still active.

      btw kratoak5,
      I have sent you an email a few days ago, could you please take a look? :-)

      • kratoak5

        kratoak5 - 2007-08-31

        Read -thoroughly- the file ReadMeCarefully_Closed4DADVSI.txt. It's sometimes a very long path to reach what you're looking for.

        • roee88

          roee88 - 2007-08-31

          Thanks ;)


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