
PiggViewer / News: Recent posts

Exporting Bitmaps is now fixed

The 5.7 Release supports full export of bitmaps now.

Posted by John Toebes 2006-02-05

Making headway on the GEO data chunks.

We are presently making steady headway on the GEO data chunks. These chunks appear to be in two parts, and we are pretty sure the second chunk indexes the first. While the first chunk is not yet deciphered, we are confident that it contains geometry data.

Posted by Shanyu 2005-02-21

PiggViewer has gone OpenSource!

With the recent addition of a new developer to the project (namely me), the PiggViewer project has gone opensource. Interested developers that have a knack for reverse engineering binary file formats are welcome.

Posted by Shanyu 2005-02-21