
#1 Mass exports, pigg tracking, and installer

Dennis R

Hi, I can think of a couple of really useful features. One would be some sort of mass export feature so that I can make, for example, archive copies of the game's state at any given point. Sometimes I record demorecord files in City of Heroes at places that, later, either get changed or cease to exist. I'd like to be able to have the pigg files for the game available for point-in-time snapshots.

Right now, I have to go through each and every individual pigg file and extract all of the files from them. It would be much easier if piggviewer supported some sort of batch extract command that could be run on an entire directory.

Also, I wish there were some sort of internal tracking mechanism for which extracted files belong in which pigg file. I'll try to make this more clear going forward, but sometimes, I'll extract a file, work on it, and totally forget where I got it from and I have no idea where I should put it in the directory structure under the data subdirectory.

Last, but not least, just out of curiosity, is this project still active? It's been nine months since any changes have been checked into the CVS, and I was just wondering if there's any active development going on.


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