
Pieforms / News: Recent posts

Pieforms version 0.2.2 (unstable) released

A new development version of Pieforms has just been released. Pieforms provides a simple, unified way to create, validate and process forms all with a common look and feel, with support for pluggable elements, renderers and validation rules.

This release contains a few bugfixes, and the beginnings of the documentation manual. It is still recommended that you track SVN for the time being, as fixes will get to you faster.... read more

Posted by Nigel McNie 2007-04-08

Pieforms Documentation Now Available

Documentation on Pieforms usage is now available [1]. It is checked into SVN also. It is not yet complete, so any patches are most welcome.

The documentation is generated using docutils, using GeSHi for syntax highlighting. If you have PHP and Python installed you can build it yourself.


Posted by Nigel McNie 2007-03-18

Pieforms version 0.2.1 (unstable) released

A new development version of Pieforms has just been released. Pieforms provides a simple, unified way to create, validate and process forms all with a common look and feel, with support for pluggable elements, renderers and validation rules.

This release contains a few fixes and a couple of new features that it was time to release. For more information, see the release notes [1]. Future releases in the 0.2.0 series will contain minor bugfixes mostly. It is still recommended that you track SVN for the time being, fixes will get to you faster.... read more

Posted by Nigel McNie 2007-02-14

Slides from Pieforms talk available, IRC channel available

The slides from my talk about Pieforms are available online now at . None of the examples will work properly yet, until we get a demo of Mahara up and running.

The #pieforms channel on freenode is available if you wish to talk about Pieforms. I'm always in channel (although not always at keyboard), so join and give me a yell and we can talk.

Posted by Nigel McNie 2007-02-11

Pieforms Licensing

After the talk I gave to the Wellington PHP user group, questions were asked about the license of Pieforms. Pieforms was, and will remain, under the GNU GPL. However, if you would like to obtain the code under a more liberal license (such as the BSD license), you may contact me or Catalyst IT (the copyright holders of the code) to negotiate terms.

Posted by Nigel McNie 2007-02-08

Pieforms version 0.2.0 (unstable) released

A new development version of Pieforms has just been released. Pieforms provides a simple, unified way to create, validate and process forms all with a common look and feel, with support for pluggable elements, renderers and validation rules.

This release contains several major changes to how Pieforms operates, notably:

* AJAX forms are now renamed to 'JS forms' as they are done by submission to a hidden iframe instead of by a JSON request. This means that files can be uploaded.
* Elements can change how rules apply to them, for much customisability
* Many of the functions have been renamed, causing major BC breakage. Given the userbase is small however, it is probably best to make the necessary changes now.
* Many more fixes and enhancements, and new elements like a Javascript calendar.... read more

Posted by Nigel McNie 2007-01-02

Pieforms version 0.1.1 (unstable) released

A new development version of Pieforms has just been released. Pieforms provides a simple, unified way to create, validate and process forms all with a common look and feel, with support for pluggable elements, renderers and validation rules.

This release has added some new rules, minor functionality improvements and bug fixing. In addition, the SVN repository is now laid out in a more sane fashion.... read more

Posted by Nigel McNie 2006-11-25

Pieforms version 0.1.0 (unstable) released

The first build of Pieforms has just been released. Pieforms provides a simple, unified way to create, validate and process forms all with a common look and feel, with support for pluggable elements, renderers and validation rules.

The 0.1.0 version is the first to be released as a package. It includes support for over 15 elements and three different renderers. Pieforms will continue to be under heavy development for some time, so you may wish to track SVN instead.... read more

Posted by Nigel McNie 2006-11-19

Pieforms SVN is now usable

After a marathon coding effort, the Pieforms SVN trunk code is now usable. As long as you add the Pieforms directory to your include path, and don't use the AJAX form submission (to be fixed tomorrow), it will run just fine.

Along the way, a couple of bugs [1], [2] and feature requests [3], [4] were uncovered, as well as other minor bugs fixed.

The first file release will be made soon, although currently it is wise to track the SVN trunk.... read more

Posted by Nigel McNie 2006-11-18