
automatic proxy configuration url

  • Ice

    Ice - 2004-12-27

    Hello. I'd like to use GAIM at work. We have a proxy. To connect to the Internet, we use an "automatic proxy configuration url" like "http://blabla/proxy.pac", plus login and password. I do not find how to setup GAIM. I someone has the answer... Thx.

    • naught101

      naught101 - 2005-02-18

      yeah, I'd love to know this too. I need it for my Uni proxy ( ). I tried just reading the pac file and entering the address/port, but it didn't work. any other way around this?


      • Tony Mee

        Tony Mee - 2006-05-25

        A shameless bump here... I too could really use a way of setting this.  Coincidentally... I'm at another Newcastle...!

        I would particularly like to use the automatic config since I have now discovered that the pac script can return SOCKS proxies too, eg.

          return "SOCKS";

        Which would mean automatic handling of protocols that our http proxy won't allow.

        It is horrible moving my laptop from home (no proxy) to Uni (locked down tight and several different proxies)


    • naught101

      naught101 - 2005-02-18

      actually, I just set the proxy config to "use environmental settings and it works fine. using both ICQ and MSN