
How do you turn off chat log emailing?

  • MadCow

    MadCow - 2010-10-21

    My company uses Pidgin and Thunderbird together as they like open source and free lol. I and several co-workers have a slight problem with this. Our pidgin accounts are setup with XMPP and uses our work email address as the user name. Every time one of us closes pidgin down, we receive the entire log in Thunderbird. Needless to say this is quite annoying. Is there anyway we can turn this…feature off and stop the spam in our inbox? We can't block the emails as they're from the same email address so that won't work.

  • Daniel Atallah

    Daniel Atallah - 2010-10-21

    This isn't something that Pidgin is doing.
    You should talk to your IT department - presumably they've configured the XMPP server to send these emails.